Hi there ,
Currently we use Atmel programmer i.e sam-ba v2.9 for downloading the bin file into the microcontroller using USB-JTAG (Jlink ). I require to do the same using Labview .
The dll is available for the same .
I registered the dll successfully and using function "Automation open" the methods under it are available .
But i am unable to use the methods successfully .
for e.g the method Scan requires input as a pointer to a table where the list of devices are located ,
the data type of the input is U8 , so if i input a value of 0 , it gives me an error ..
Can anybody help , how can we pass pointers in Labview
The example code snippet given for the method in the manual is as given below,
CHAR *strConnectedDevices[5];
for (UINT i=0; i<5; i++)
strConnectedDevices = (CHAR *)malloc(100);
AT91Boot_Scan((char *)strConnectedDevices);
Please help ....
P.s attaching the library files