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LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2009
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm curious. It seems to me that the only viable method of programming a medium to large application in Labview is using the Qued State Model Architecture. This is of course, leaving an object oriented approach aside completely. The labview programs I have been involved with have been either entirely user event driven or had a substantial portion of the program based on user events, so the QSM seems to fit well there so far. The only alternative to QSM I have seen involved large amounts of code within an event structure and a truck load of local variables, which I can't imagine would go down well with others on the board. From perusing the forum I believe there is third party software and different structuring approaches which attempt to improve on the basic QSM concept as suggested by NI themselves, but ultimately the basic architecture alwasy comes back to some type of state machine. I am not so unhappy with the QSM approach that I want to throw it out the window, my reason for asking this question is to find other legitimate and sensible approaches to programming labview. To add more depth to my approaches in creating a program. So is there a non QSM architecture out there that works well? If so what approach have you taken and why did you avoid the QSM.
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