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Posts posted by Stobber

  1. VIPM is free for the community and why would you not want to use the latest?


    Yeah, too many people assume that's a rhetorical question, but it has an answer: The latest version breaks otherwise stable features.


    And that's where edge cases like you (and me) come in.


    If using the VIPM API in automated build tools makes me an edge case, the LV community is in a bad way. :o

  2. No, I'm not trying to create a new project with the code. (I did try to get to the Bitbucket repo, but the link from the forum thread is broken. Is it still a public repo?)


    I opened VIPM and realized that it doesn't think the pacakge is installed, even though there's obviously code in my <addons> folder. I reinstalled v1.2.1.23 and the palettes are still messed up.



    Uninstalled the package, deleted the <vi.lib>/addons/JSON API folder, and then reinstalled. Palettes still look like my screenshot.

  3. Will anybody mind if I "clean" up the API and palettes a little? I want to:

    - Give short names to palette items

    - Create icons for all the palettes

    - Rename some palettes

    - Rearrange some palette items to group them better, maybe nest things deeper for more organization

    - Expand the VI documentation for all public VIs

    - Remove the probe VIs from the palettes

    - Remove polymorphic instances from the palettes

    - Remove test VIs from the palettes


    I'd also like to do some things that would break backward compatibility:

    - Rename several methods and functions to enforce "verb phrase" naming convention

    - Standardize the names of many similar methods

    - Remove test VIs from the package; I believe those belong in the source repo, not the distribution


    Finally, I'd like to put out a "call for examples" and include any that are submitted. This is a big API, and it's hard to pick up without straightforward examples of both parsing and generating JSON. I'm still not even sure whether this is a DOM/XPath parser or a stream parser, or both!

  4. My supervisor told me not to use the SQL server. Make somthing easy concerning labview itself. :(


    1. SQLite is a serverless DBMS. You just work with a file directly. It's ridiculously easy.
    2. "LabVIEW itself", by which I assume your supervisor means the native APIs, doesn't have a good solution for this. "LabVIEW itself" will in fact make this harder. Your supervisor needs to let you use an appropriate tool for the job.

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