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Everything posted by hookes2

  1. Machine Vision!!!

  2. Machine Vision!!!

  3. Thanks everyone for the response. I think I am getting on track!
  4. Thanks Everyone... I finally got an algorithm written using vision assistant and I automatically generated the LabVIEW code. I still have issues with auto-generating the ROI. Right now, I can only select it manually. Thanks once again.
  5. Hello Everyone, I am working on a project which will allow me to capture images of license plate numbers of vehicles and log them. Right now I can do OCR and ROI on a sample image which I captured and saved on my computer using the OCR example express VI in LabVIEW. But that is not enough, I want to be able to acquire images automatically using my camera and the ROI selected automatically. I just ordered the following hardware (though I am yet to receive them, and they cost me a fortune) and I wondering what I will do with them when they finally arrive. Please someone come to my rescue! 1. NI CVS-1456 Compact Vision System 2. NI Vision, I/O Terminal Block and Prototyping 3. Camera, Basler SCA1600-14FM, IEEE-1394B, 1628X1236, 14 FPS, Monochrome 4. Cable, CVS to Basler A601 trigger cable 5. Lens,35MM,Compact Fixed Focal Length, Edmund Optics
  6. Hello, Please can I get a description of some simple experiments I can carry out with the NI myDAQ and the NI-ELVIS?
  7. Hello everyone, I want to acquire images of License Plate Numbers, extract the numbers and log them into a file either as a text file or an image file. I have no prior knowledge of image processing and my LabVIEW skills are still poor. Can anyone please help me out...maybe with the VIs and some materials. Thank you.
  8. I think I really need to tell you about my projects because I really need help with my projects and I will be very happy if you can help me out. INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM I am designing a model and a simulation. It will be a three way traffic system and there will be cameras at every point where there is a traffic light, there will be cameras. The camera will acquire images of vehicles in traffic and also scan lanes to see where there are vehicles and where there are no vehicles. so the decision of the traffic light will be based on what it is actually seeing unlike the conventional one where decision is based on some kind of 'timing'. CAR PLATE NUMBERING LOGGING AT CHECKPOINTS In my school, the security men at the gate usually take and record the license plate number of vehicles and record them in a data book manually. This is usually stressful as there are many vehicles coming into the school. So I decided that we can develop something that scans the license plate number, processes it, and logs it into a file. I really don't have a prior knowledge of image processing and I have not embarked on a project like this before. I don't know how you can be of help to me but I am confident you can be of help to me. Thanks for taking the time to read this lengthy mail, I am very grateful.
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