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Everything posted by crelf

  1. Yep - in fact, it's not limited to OO: you can make any VI in a group private to another public VI, meaning that if you drag a private VI from one group onto a VI that's not allowed to access it, the run button will break.
  2. Looks like you can also include debugging in a built application - app builder saves diagrams with VIs and you can use execution highlighting + stepping on a "built" app.
  3. That's got to be one of the funniest things Iv'e ever seen
  4. The demo "Language Translation Demo.vi" automatically sets the captions and tip strips to the correct language, and the lower level "Translate Language.vi" can be used on a case-by-case basis to translate strings/words/phrases as required (in all the projects I've used this technique, if I need to set the text in a string indicator, I'd just pass the English through this little VI). A few people bought up a couple of excellent points - my initial description would only change captions, and not other things like chart axis labels, table column headings, etc. I've added in the functionality for these components to be automatically changed as well, although it's not completely comprehensive (for example, it deosn't change actual data - text inside a string control or indicator isn't changed automatically, as it's data - not cosmetic). There are also a couple of limitations (including controls on tab pages not being updated), but I'll post a better version once I've gotten over my NI-Week jetlag. If anyone has any comments, I'd love to hear them. Hope that helps Cheers, Christopher Download File:post-181-1092849603.zip
  5. Yeah - I had a look at that, and they all keep their front panels
  6. G'Day All, I've got some software (written be a previous employee) where two VIs running on separate PCs that communicate using VI server. The first VI (let's call it the reader) opens an application reference to the writer PC, and then a VI reference to a VI. Then, references to all of the indicators are returned, and the VI on the reader PC is able to read the name, type description and flat data of the indicators using an invoke node. This all works well when operating under the LabVIEW development enivronment, but when the writter is built into an exe, it all falls over. It *almost* works (the name and type descriptions of each indicator is returned correctly), but I'm getting an empty "flat data". I've checked the characteristics of each node that I'm using, and they are all available under the run time engine (both read and write) - has anyone got any idea of why this is screwing up? Download File:post-10-1073107487.zip
  7. You'll probably need this file too... Download File:post-10-1073107794.llb
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