The smith chart is a typical display function for s and t parameter arrays, but it does not imply any specific format for representing logical groups of s parameters such as the typical multiport s parameters, it just displays complex arrays. I already measure, read in, and manipulate large groups of s parameters from Network Analyzers although up until now these are mearly a collection of arrays, in some cases multidimensional arrays that are formed in an s parameter layout.
The newer analyzers like the Agilent E5071B naturally operate on multiport s parameters and t parameters, so I started looking into how Labview would represent such data, and was surprized to find nothing. It is clear that direct matrix multiplication and the other matrix operations can be used on 2 dimensional complex arrays, thus implying the correct form for a multiport s parameter data structure, however Labview has no support for typical things like impedance transformation and t parameter conversion.
They certainly have quite a few complex matrix math functions, but I was very surprised to see that it (at least Labview 6i) is virtually mute on the whole issue of s parameters. I don't mind cooking my own, but I think it is always better to work as a community. I was also surprised to find nothing about this in LAVA.