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Everything posted by rkerns

  1. Not sure if this answers your question or not, but when I want to find the path to a specific place on a mac I just create a File Path control and show the browse button, I then find whatever file or folder I want and control+click and choose 'change to constant' I get confused when trying to build Mac paths, so this is the easiest and fastest way for me.
  2. I also have recently started using a USB-9211 on OSX. After much seraching of ni.com I cam across this http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/770...6256F79007E4B5A which mentions that you can only browse tasks created with MAX (which of course is of no use) so for the time being we are limited to typing in task names
  3. What operating system are you using? We previously used Sewell Direct's USB232 dongle, but when we upgraded to OSx 10.3.5 it stopped functioning and would give error messages. It turns out the prolific PL2303 chipset used in the dongle was no longer support by the Mac, so we switched to a keyspan USB232 and our problems went away When using VISAfind.vi a USB232 is generally will show up as ASRL2::INSTR or similar.
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