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Everything posted by ptorrico

  1. Amplitude Variable Sinusoidal Pulse Generation Hi all, I´m trying programming a pulse generation program that when I pulse one button into the interfase of the labview generate a Variable Amplitude Sinusoidal Signal. The pulse consist a amplitude increasing sinusoidal wave, amplitude contant sinusoidal wave and decreasing sinusoidal wave. It will be controlled by three variables, Time to Rise, Time to Constant and Time to Decrecase, al of them in ms. Also we must to specify how many time we spend in each iteration, time by cicle. I need a pulse generation of sinusoidal wave a ramp in Labview with the card PCI-6251 and the module BNC-2110. I think that´s enough for my pruposes. The problem is when I try send the value to the analog output the time it´s too slow, around minutes, theorically it must be in 300ms. How I can solve this? I think that my problem is because I´m using a DAQ Assistant for make thism, because when I erase it works good. I´m thinking implementing this by arrays but how I can send then the values to analog output. Do you know some examples?I generetae his with a loop for and I control the time of each iteration, around 1ms, even less, I think that my card can support that. I control that with a variable. Please see the code. -What methods are aviable to send values to analog output? -If I save my wave into a array how I can send the wave to the card? -Do you can recommend me a example? -What do you recommend me to do? -Where I can found the reference manual of all DAQmx functions? Thanks you. Best Regards, Pablo sinusoidal pulse generator with DAQ Assitant .vi Pulse Generator Input (SubVI).vi
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