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    Science, spirituality. yoga....
    First in the world who wrote a link between science and spirituality, my wave function.

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  1. alfa

    Alfa String

    In my view with such dummy leaders EU will not be able to compete with USA. I understand why Nigel Farage is upset. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article7040733.ece
  2. alfa

    Alfa String

    Because the Jews are the best organized thieves all the governments looking for stealing like them.For me MOSSAD is number one terrorist organization in the world=in stealing.They had stolen all my money in Toronto, Canada.MOSSAD want to catch a lot of terrorists around the world and the terrorists are the DOLLARS, the... EUROS…Former MP and Presidential candidate Nati Meir from MOSSAD has been sentenced to four years in prison for fraud using fake banknotes by a Bucharest Court. http://romaniantimes.at/news/General_News/2010-03-03/6972/Nati_Meir_sentenced_to_four_years_in_prison http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100314/ts_afp/mideastdiplomacyusisraelaxelrod_20100314150723
  3. I did not see any physicist to talk about entanglement in 'Twin paradox-special relativity'; in my view the cells of the twins are entangled and 'they know' when they replicate! If someone is traveling close to the speed of light, relative to your reference frame, then the time observed on their clocks slows. But what does that mean when it comes to aging? Do their cells that make up their body replicate more slowly? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_paradox
  4. Einstien, Hawkins, Galileo, Feynmann...nothing to do with spirituality.
  5. We see on TV a lot of about Jews who died in Nazi death camps (4 years from 1942 to 1945), but nothing about communists Jews killing the brightest people-kept in concentration camps for 20 years in communists countries. Today the children of those communists Jews after they went in USA are talking against communism. The Jews received $60 billion from Germany but they have to give the money to those anti-communists who were killed by communists Jews in concentration camps. Why UN, EU do not look for those communists criminals? Here in Romania yesterday at OTV, V. Nisipeanu was talking about how Jews doctors killed anti-communists people in Moscow; at Antena3, V.Ciorbea said how the children of communists like Tismaneanu, Patapievici are anti-communists. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Tism%C4%83neanu
  6. For me MOSSAD is number one terrorist organization in the world. They had stolen all my money in Toronto, Canada. MOSSAD want to catch a lot of terrorists around the world and the terrorists are the DOLLARS, the EUROS… Former MP and Presidential candidate Nati Meir from MOSSAD has been sentenced to four years in prison for fraud using fake banknotes by a Bucharest Court. http://romaniantimes.at/news/General_News/2010-03-03/6972/Nati_Meir_sentenced_to_four_years_in_prison
  7. alfa

    Alfa String

    People born in a village were moving to a big city to escape knowledge limitation, bondage, stupidity of the village. Today the internet is a very good help. In Europe the Romans had a very important role to civilize countries; for example the druids were cannibals. Today in EU the governments have to stop those sub-cultures, religious traditions of Jews and Muslims to circumcise boys and girls.
  8. Here is my view(look at my wave function) why it is not good to watch people: Today people are like the animals at Zoo they are watched by the government, a lot of informers(prostitutes)... Because 98% are at animal level they do not care, they are afraid to talk about it. In quantum mechanics, wave function collapse (also called collapse of the state vector or reduction of the wave packet) is the process by which a wave function, initially in a superposition of different eigenstates, appears to reduce to a single one of the states after interaction with an observer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_function_collapse
  9. For me MOSSAD is number one terrorist organization in the world. They stolen all my money in Toronto, Canada.
  10. alfa

    Alfa String

    Abraham was commanded by God to offer his son up as a sacrifice in the land of Moriah. Near the Abraham thumb is a synagogue and a mosque. Why they do not take out Abraham body maybe is intact because he saw God and be checked with C14. IF HIS BODY IS NOT INTACT HE DID NOT SEE GOD. For example Bernadette saw Virgin Mary and her body is intact: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernadette_Soubirous
  11. My Favorite movie: The Song of Bernadette Life among low level people for high level people it's not easy. Those actors had a 'wiser look', today the actors have smaller heads.
  12. alfa

    Alfa String

    Humans are apes. They are the four great ape genera (Homo (humans), Pan (chimpanzees and bonobos), Gorilla, and Pongo (orangutans)). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apes
  13. Another proof of my theory(98% are at animal level): The half-cannibal president of Argentine said: Eat pork, spice your sex life http://www.boston.co...for_better_sex/ The half-cannibals in France eat horse meat and in China's penis restaurant: http://www.timesonli...icle3552377.ece
  14. alfa

    Alfa String

    Another proof of my theory-the majority are at animal level: God loves you all! But only few are allowed in Heaven and Project Evolution is to find a country for them.
  15. I defined half-cannibals those who are eating meat. When are fewer resources, less food the half-cannibals becomes cannibals. For example during the WWII at Stalingrad the Russians and Germans soldiers were eating others soldiers. That is why high level people will be safe if they will have their country. You will not be safe living on the same island with this half-cannibal: http://www.facebook.com/amirahhall?ref=sgm#/SamKekovich
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