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Posts posted by alfa

  1. Alfa,

    You seem EXTREMELY depressed... You have to let go the past! And don't hang on to it by some "negative timelines"... there's that negative word again..

    Just turn that bloody page and move forward with life. You can't change the world. It's parts of every individual's growth.

    There are only 3 things you should focus on:

    1. your daughter (show her examples of how wonderful life is... don't forget, you're her model.. and it's not a positive one (based on your posts).

    2. get a job.. any job.. wash dishes for "name_of_your_higher_being"'s sakes!! Contribute to society instead of saying rediculous things like 97.7% of humans are animals!! You're wrong!!! 100% of humans are animals, mamillians for that matter.. possibly evolved from stupid monkeys... So what if too many humans kept traces of their ancestors.. so be it! Concentrate on work and stop thinking negative thoughts!

    3. Get laid... Not Late.. Laid.. You know, that good old ancestral animal instict that keeps the population growing. Since you have a daughter, then you know the drill ;) It does wonders to forget about life's little troubles. Have fun. Smile. Look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself you love the person you see and laugh about it.. Life IS wonderful. And life is merely a reflection of how you feel about yourself. Work on that sense of humor.. Women luv a great sense of humor. Go to a bar and learn "story-telling" from some British dude. They are awesome at telling good stories. Laugh, drink & be merry.. for life IS very short... so don't waste one moment not having fun!!!

    And as for all those theories that you come up with.... you're not the first and you won't be the last.

    Live TODAY....!!!!! not tomorrow and certainly not yesterday...

    You may hate what I wrote, but so be it..

    Now enough talk about police & negative stuff.. Have fun!... Write some Labview code that makes you happy. Or better yet, write some LV code that makes everyone in this forum HAPPY.

    Happy... happy... happy...

    (now if we could only get a bit of sunshine...)

    :star: :star: :star: :star:

    get a job.. any job.. wash dishes

    That's good!

    I can go in Cuba doing the same job and at least it's nice outside.

    In communism and capitalism the intellectuals are second class citizens anyway.

  2. jpdrolet,

    I saw that program with Triads, Canadian diplomats 2 times.

    No wonder last week I saw at news a guy walking with his dog who saw a person in a cement block.

    The Canadian police said they will need couple days to take that person out.

  3. i2dx,

    when I was in Germany a recruiter told me if I want to find a job in Germany I have to delete this phrase from my website:

    Einstein said during the WWI:"I find it difficult to believe that I belong to such an idiotic, rotten species..."

    I told him I'll not delete anything from my website ( because this show Enstein too knew the majority are low level-I calculated in my book 97.7%).

  4. Yes ladies and gentlemen, step right up, showing tonight for one time only,

    The Singularity In Time

    Michael Ashe do you work at IMAGINATICS?


    these Hungarians are clean.

    when I was in Germany in 2003 looking for a job(my income in 2003 was 0$ in Canada) the leader of the ashram at ww.yoga-vidya.de(biggest in Germany) consumed some stuff intavenously.

    Before I left the dummy Germans took the computer to see if I spied them.

    One thing I can spy in Germany: how stupd are the Germans!

  5. Hungarians expelled from Canada:

    At the entrance of my building I saw an advertisement about: Selling everything until 10 of April

    I went there who they are because are living under my Pilipino neighbors.

    Who they are: a very nice couple from Hungary who are EXPELLED from Canada.

    They said too how much noises and smell are doing the Pilipino neighbors.

    They sell everything because the Canadian government told them they have to live this month Canada.

    They said they paid theirs taxes they had jobs.

  6. LOL!! Certainly an amusing thread... :D

    I always thought that "Spirituality" had to do with personal growth and not "Country-where-I-live" bashing... ;)

    I guess people evolve at different rates... some even backwards (in time, of course)!!! LOL!!! Tiz better than da local Pub!!



    in a country where the government is against me can't talk about spiritual growth.

  7. Aren't you part of the 97.7%? You do live in Canada, don't you?

    There is democracy here... not in reverse D'oh!!! ;)

    I just wrote a book in the past 5 minutes... I kept the time in a tight while loop.

    The title of my new book is:

    "Those of you who think you know everything (about time reversal) are annoying to those of us who do". :book:

    I visited the future and it's actually a Best-Seller. :camera: Very popular in Romania as well. :D

    So what's keeping you in the world of eternal snow?


    Kept me here my daughter.

    I'm sending my RESUMES in different countries.

    I know you visited the future, after you visited the pub.

  8. Somehow, I'm getting "flashbacks" to old, BASIC written ELIZA programs...

    Ohh... my... must... sit... still... until... spasms... sub.. side... :blink::wacko:;)

    -Pete Liiva


    if you'll SPAM me with new theories I'll pay you.

    I'm waiting!

  9. sometimes, it's so easy :)



    I didn't change the house I change the provence and here in Ontario more primitive people than in Quebec!

    From Ontario I went in USA there others primitive people because of Yoga they were thinking I'm spying them.

    I came back in Ontario and in 2003 with 0$ income I went in Germany to find a job there; I was at the biggest ashram in Europe there and the retards from police came there after me now involving the americans and the germans. The yoga people there of course they act like Judas(german Yogi people-germans like secret police).

    Their website:


    I stayed in Germany 2 months and they didn't pay me; I was the only one not paid for my work.

    I came back in Canada and I calculated: 97.7% of people are at animal level.

  10. No. The problem must be elsewhere... :rolleyes:


    when I came in Canada in Montreal I went to a public French course. The teacher was a policemen he said of course GRC; he was watching the new immigrants of course; I didn't realize in that time because I was thinking here is the FREEDOM.

    Because I was thinking everybody know Yoga in Canada(in Romania was prohibited). I said about my hobbies I know a lot about Yoga: the teacher said: Yoga doesn't exist. And a young Russian said of course doesn't exists.

    Was my first encounter with the Canadian stupidity.

  11. Einstein had courage; only 3 scientists signed a petition against the WWI; look on my website what Einstein said.

    No, I don't have a job. Anyway from 02/2001 to 01/2005 I didn't have a job too.

    Looks like inteligent people don't deseve a job in Canada.


    I didn't read those books. Is there something about what I'm talking here?

    What Julian Barbour and Huw Price are talking about it's on my first chapter.

  12. First

    I explained on the DDTV channel today in Romania from my book what happen when people die. I gave a detailed explanation but now shortly:

    When the subtle body separate from physical body is moving faster than the speed of light, that

  13. After I sent my book in Russia for publishing I received a 60$/hr job offer in USA from this guy on Thursday:

    "Hi Adrian, this is Kevin with Systems Pros. Please call me at 1 800 891 2255 x 145 regarding a new Labview job. Thanks."

  14. my guess is: No

    blame it to my english skills, but i don't understand, too, what religion, yoga and esoterrics have to do with labview?

    I don't see religion in my book.

    2000 years ago a guy said:

    I don

  15. I just had that problem happen to me. Did you ever get it resolved with Hotmail? I'm moving to Comcast ASAP, but could sure use the last 3 years of e-mails I have paid to store on Hotmail.


    The account is closed.

    If you like to leave something after you, write a book. This information on SERVERS will be lost in time.

  16. I must not be evolved enough to qualify for this board. In the meantime, would someone pass me the LabVIEW drivers for "SynchroDestiny". I intend to measure the difference of twist in the DNA helix between dinosaurs and Destinaurs. Now where did I leave my amber ...

    Let's hope soon will be ready the LabVIEW drivers for "SynchroDestiny" !

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