Hello all,
I am new using the labview software.I am working on a project, and my task is to make a 3D enviroment for an experiment.While trying to do the job, I find myself in some trouble.I need to draw multiple objects in my programm, but I dont want them to be related to its other.The only way(that i have discovered) to put in my 3D picture more than 1 objects is by using the invoke method: add object.This invoke method although creates
a parent-child relationship between my objects and thats is something that i dont want.With this relationship every transformation i make to the parent object happens also to the child object.But in my project i need to transform all me objects(during the experiment) separately. For example lets say i have 8 blue spheres.I want every time one of them to change color to green, then another become green and all the others blue etc...
In they way i have drawn my objects if I change colour to the parent sphere all others change colour the same way.
So my answer is: Is there a way for me to draw multiple objects without a parent-child relationship? Or if that is not possible is there a way after drawing them that way that these objects can be trasformed without the transformation of any of them influence the other objects?
Thank you.