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  1. Hello All, I am extremely new to labview so please forgive my complete lack of knowledge. I am using Labview for an undergraduate thesis project to control an instrument and log some data simultaneously. The first part is to simply organise the data logging facilities. I have an extremely limited time to complete this project and thats why I'm opting to ask rather than spend hours figuring this out, which is probably really easy. I have two thermocouples which are both recording dynamic data via a hardware box, can get the specs if required. I also have a scale that I am using as a load cell that is recording string data. I need to convert the string data and maybe? the dyanmic data and record it against time. At the moment I am using the the labview in built data recorder which only saves dynamic data to record the thermocouple data against time. How do I also incorporate the load cell string data? Any help would be really appreciated. Cheers, Dave
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