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Michael Aivaliotis

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Status Updates posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. This video makes me really sad and angry. She tells her viewers not to worry, amazing courage http://t.co/FDkzZ4Ur

  2. My son just asked me if Funkytown actually exists. Closest I could find: http://t.co/3OszRtGf

  3. Only a select few will understand this photo: http://t.co/eXC0XM60

  4. RT @TheRichardLewis: At lunch yesterday with my pal, Comedy God, Jonathan Winters. http://t.co/Px2FljVN

  5. RT @ebertchicago: Melissa Harris-Perry explodes with the truth. Dramatic video. http://t.co/dTBqtDPg

  6. RT @TNW: Google reportedly preparing to release a 3G Nexus 7 within 6 weeks http://t.co/UcSV3uVM

  7. Remember that dog scene in Bruce Almighty? This is for reals http://t.co/wUc7Ghk9

  8. Saw Expendables 2. Cotton candy for the brain. I felt like a weak girly man after coming out of the theater. http://t.co/0lsr4SVV

  9. I agree. More substance and less lip flap http://t.co/ItO9oZLp

  10. RT @wilw: Cat: Oh, hey, um... I'm need you to go ahead and refill the tissue box. Me: Goddammit, Luna. http://t.co/yTGmNhR5

  11. #MSL Like driving on a family vacation with 400 scientists in the back seat: http://t.co/Ucu0gDvM

  12. OK fine! Here ya go. Sorry, I'm a little grumpy: http://t.co/v8FEyuaG

  13. I thought QR Codes were dead on arrival a long time ago. http://t.co/9D0p3sPe

  14. RT @CCRogers3D: Print copies of "Rune: A Tale of Wizards & Kings" R available 4 purchase: http://t.co/uSmvMyz1 How do I get a signed copy?

  15. I should have tweeted this one instead: http://t.co/h7BKfvbl

  16. Free Smartphone Embedded Inside Entertainment Weekly http://t.co/jxwyUSGr

  17. 1 day left to contribute to #DragonDay http://t.co/gQE9xNO1 I contributed, how about you? http://t.co/n5YUapa4

  18. This may look like a simple key fob. But it's actually an HD video camera. Let the hacking begin! http://t.co/yF2q9NjF

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