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Everything posted by Ristow

  1. Hi, I'm still having problems with the interface between the NI8451 and the sensor. Anyone have any tip? Thanks
  2. Hi, I'm trying to read a SPI sensor with the USB 8451, but i'm getting strange results. The sensor is the DC-SS500 ( http://www.sure-electronics.net/download/DC-SS500_Ver1.0_EN.pdf ),and i'm using the Labview 8.6. The connection scheme is bellow, but i don't belive there is any problem. http://forums.ni.com...?v=mpbl-1&px=-1 The code is attached below, and I wrote it based in "General SPI read script" example and DC-SS500 user guide. When I do the measurement I get response 0 for the read address 0. Changing the read address, as a result I get twice the value of the address. Anyone know what might be causing the problem? Thanks Read DC-SS500 SPI.vi
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