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Sambaiah Gunakala

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LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2010
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Sambaiah Gunakala's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi, currently iam using some third party driver vi's in one of my application. My question is during the time of creating installer how to include all those third party driver vi's in the main project. Generally the default path for the driver vi's is "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\instr.lib" and how to set this deafult path location for those driver vi's during the time of creating the installer. Thanks and regards Sambaiah Gunakala
  2. Thanks Thanks for clearing the doubts
  3. Hi all How to generate the following curves in LabVIEW: 1.) Haversine Curve 2.) Lorentz Curve 3.) Exponential rise & decay curves
  4. My instrument containing the following interfaces: 1.) Ethernet 2.) RS-232 3.) GPIB
  5. Hi all In LabVIEW How to detect the third party devices pragmatically that are connected to our host PC.
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