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Ton Plomp

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Posts posted by Ton Plomp

  1. I swear she's saying: "My titties are OK"

    Oh, and I think that's a cameo by Jamie from Mythbusters.

    Ome Henk, another fine example from the dutch music industry (along with 2 Unlimited), he used to be targeted at 10 year olds, I assume he just follows the aging of the same people.

    No, it's definitly not Jamie. Or is it that small rear-shot you mean?


  2. Hi all,

    I am using LV 8.6. I have some VI's in 8.2 and also in previous versions.

    When I open the reference of those VI's in 8.6 and close, it pop up for Save. Is there any possibility to handle it during Run time?

    I want to do it during Run time..

    Thanks in advance,.

    Suresh Kumar

    That should not happen unless you have the options for the Open VI Reference Function set to 0x04. here's a quote from the help on that value:

    0x04 Prompt user to save changes when this VI reference closes if all the following conditions are true:

    The referenced VI or its subVIs contain unsaved changes.

    There are no other open references to the referenced VI.

    The referenced VI is able to leave memory. A VI is able to leave memory, for example, if no other VIs call the VI, the front panel of the VI is closed, and the VI is not a member of an open project library, and so on.


  3. Yes, I thought about that, but how about when the abbrev for month name changes from say Jul to a Aug? Or perhaps are you suggesting catching the scan error and incrementing the month name until no error is encountered?



    Here's the formatter for the time format. %b will match the abbreviated month name, this string is locale dependent on dutch system May isn't recognized but Mei is. So if your locale settings is different than the file format you will have a problem.

    Another option is to replace every month string with a number (Jan -> 1)


    the following code will get the date: %<%d%b%y>T expand it to get the time as well.


  4. Hi:

    I am passing the array into a for Loop and then parsing the 3rd element to get the 3 characters for month #, I then convert the date and time into LabVIEW time.

    Performance is really important because the array I work with has 50,000+ element. The sad thing is that this data is read from a text file in < than 2 seconds and thereafter a large chunk of time is used to convert that date string column into a calender number that can be computed.


    Anthony L.

    You can use scan from string to get your data as a timestamp.


  5. Since the RSS-feed only posts the first message of each thread, I have been relying on the View Unread Content as my feed.

    However since last weekend the start date is being reset upon each visit to this page.

    post-2399-001710000 1283494401_thumb.png

    That screenshot is from this morning, and shows only the posts of the last night. I left yesterday without readins all the messages, now I have to digg through each forum to get all the messages.

    Please fix the RSS-feed.


  6. If you were willing to store your friended item in user.lib while it's being written, then when the friending library is saved I'd expect it to store the path '<user.lib>/foo/MyThing.lvlib'. When you deploy your value-added component, it would land in <user.lib> and everything should connect up fine without a crossload dialog, right?

    That sounds like what I tried to do:

    <user.lib>\a.lvlib is the main lvlib it has two friends:

    1. <user.lib>\b.lvlib
    2. c:\mydocs\bt.lvlib

    I develop my code in bt.lvlib, and I tried to use the standard NI Source Distribution method, to rename c:\mydocs\bt.lvlib into c:\mydocs\built\b.lvlib, this however fails since 'the item is allready in memory', (note that a.lvlib is being used throught my code in LabVIEW tools that run in the background during development, but I have a feeling this is not the cause, could I have discovered a bug?). So this basically rules out using friendship for my in this case.

    If you write some kind of friended command-broker kind of VI that gets distributed with your library and accepts commands which it forwards to the rest of the library, you could require that commands passed to the broker also include some kind of password. You could lock the broker and add-on clients of the broker, and that would be roughly as secure as the friendship validation scheme already in place (the validation scheme already in place is good, but not professional-caliber-cryptography secure).

    That sounds like a gateway and is certainly valid, but a little bit too complicated for this case.


  7. I don't think we need a tight naming scheme. I think we need an on-topic naming scheme together with some categories and tags.

    A guidance might be the Linux development, if you look at the Ubuntu packages set, you see there is a limited list of categories, and I believe a package can fit in two categories.

    When doing a search, one just types in what comes to mind 'source control', now the package manager searches through the available packages and returns a sorted list of packages. These can be filtered upon categories. I think there are several ways of sorting, but the first is:

    • Popularity
      With VIPM we can use the internet connection to have a database where the popularity of packages is traced. A system would be '+1' for each install '+2' for each package that is installed after 4 weeks. '-1' for each uninstall. This data can be anonymized, or only kept local in the current repository.
    • Relevance
      Relevance can be calculated upon, does the search term comes up in the packag name, tag-list or description
    • Code standard
    • Paid
    • Open source
    • License

    I think the default sort should be 'Popularity', which can be influenced by 'Relevance' (for instance a popularity score with 80, but relevance 5, could be below pop=30, relevance=95).


  8. BTW. No problems changing the icon back again?

    No, the WM_Seticon returns a handle with the old icon.

    You can drop this VI:


    To set or Reset the icon of a front panel vi!

    Here's some little demo code:

    post-2399-017263700 1283158440_thumb.png

    That sets and resets the icon of a FP window.

    Note that if you don't reset the icon it will be in memory until the FP window is closed.

    Can anybody tell me how the code runs on:

    LabVIEW 32 on Windows64-bit

    LabVIEW 64 on Windows64-bit

    EDIT: Fixed VI to manage multiple windows


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