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  1. You better not use a string constant for selecting a COM port. Make a rightclick on the port pin of the visa-vi. then select create constant. You immediately get the right type of variable...
  2. Thanks Neville D, that seems to be a solution to me. Nevertheless, 'googleing' the name led to some strange results , and also '+serial +server +labview' is a neverending search (>25pages). Please, can you give me a hint, where to find the mentioned freeware? Up to now, i don't have any experience in programming Q's - so having a look at it will help me ...
  3. @kel712 Now i got a closer look to your proposal. It's interesting - but not the thing i was looking for. I want to know, if it is possible, like for DAQ cards or Buttons of the frontpanel, to create an event for the serial port, which can be handled with an event case. I'm looking for something like this: RS232 -> any char arriving -> event triggered -> at some time the event is handled by an event case (dynamically ?? static ??) -> spare time for the program ...
  4. Thanks in advance I will have a look at it and try to play around a bit (and hopefully implement it )
  5. Hi to all out there, i've learned a lot the last weeks about LabView and its possibilities, but now i get stuck and don't know whether it can be done or not... The problem: I have several devices connected by serial port (I have at least 4 USB-Serial-Adapters for that..). At the moment, commands to the different devices were send and the serial ports are polled by a timed loop. If any of the devices sends data, its data is collected from the appropriate serial port, and processed. Why you ask? Well, the different devices have different baud rates, and different processing times. So i collect the data for a certain time period and then a kind of data compressing is done. But during this collection time, one device delivers say 100 data points per minute, while the other delievers only 40 data points per minute. Nevertheless I wanted to change the structure from a very complex diagram (mine is several screens wide, you would beat me for that :laugh: ) to a more simple one. So i thought, i can create an event for each serial port, whenever one or more bytes are present in the input buffer. But the problem is, that for this serial port operation i can not find a way to create an event. Or is there a different way to handle this operations?
  6. ...my favorite is still the ctrl-B for cleaning up unconnected / loose wires ...
  7. Just a suggestion: Using LabSQL, you can use the SQL Exec Sub-VI. It returns an array of strings. So constructing an appropriate 'SELECT' command should meet your demands. For conversion of the array of string to a 2D array you can use the 'convert list of strings to array function' ...
  8. Hello, I'm back again. I finally found a way to use 1 stopbit. In fact the different configuration of the serial port has no noticeable influence on operation. Thnx anyway ...
  9. Hello to everybody out there, I'm quite new to Labview, but i did some programming on the serial hardware some years ago (i think it was pascal or so...). I remember i could adjust the stopbit setting to 0 bit, but looking at LabView? I can only choose 1, 1.5 or 2 stopbits, but for my application i need to set 0 stopbits. How to do this? I already tried the property node - its telling me that it is not supported??? The second point related to the flow control settings. For this purpose i used a serial port monitor and linked it to the dedicated port. Using an old DOS program, it tells me the value '0x00' for no handshake/ handshake off - using LabView VISA on the same port, also setting flow control 'off'/ value '0' in the registers of the serial port still a '0x01' is present - the same value as for 'Xon/Xoff'... weird ... BTW.: the serial ports i'm using are Profilic USB-to-Serial's and they work perfectly - unfortunately i can address the attached devices only by single DOS progs - and i want to get rid of this and use a centralized program (Labview) ...
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