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    LabVIEW 2010
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  1. thank you so much vugie, i've changed the structure, without the produce-consumer-loop any more. just manipulate the geometra as a added object. have a nice weekend~~
  2. hello vugie, your hints so helpful, have learn much from this. now have a new question, i want to display two objects each as subVi in the loop, and then to realize the controll of one of them. As in the Vi bellow, i suppose to controll the position of the cylinder, and then add it to a 3D picture. But i can display any one, so amusing~~ can u take a look of this and give some hints? 3d Objects.vi Cylinder.vi Box.vi
  3. hello vugie can u give a example to help to understand the use of the Billboard mode? can't find any help in internet~~ thanks
  4. thank u so much~~~
  5. thanks vugie, ok i got it!
  6. thanks vugie. But now appears a new problem, when i add a invoke Nord Redraw linke this, i cant do the control of the geometrie in the first queue any more. i dont know the reason. do u have some hints?
  7. Hi guys, Have a question about 3D Picture Camera control with a produce-customer-Loop. In the first customer I want to control the geometries of an object displayed in a 3D Picture, and in another to control the camera of the 3D picture. But I can't find a way to realize the control of the "set camera" Invoke Nord in the second customer. Does anyone have an idea on this? I've tried to use the reference or a local variable, but they seemed not the right way. The loop is as followed, thanks everyone reads this. 3d plot.vi
  8. hello Vugie, i am doing something about 3D camera position controlling with 3D Picture control, and lernt much about that here by you and Trin, thank you. but i still have a question since i startet, is there anyway to show a coordinate system in the scene, i mean the original axse of the scene? so it is pssible for the user, to adjust the position of the camera more clearly? thank you! Kun
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