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Everything posted by grogg

  1. I have read the "Control and Simulation Software for G Reference Manual" and I have a problem following one of the examples. In the example there are a picture (the one above) of how to connect the blocks, but the name of two blocks to the right is not given. I have tried all blocks I can find in labview that look simulair to these but none of them work. Can anyone help me with this? /grogg
  2. How can I prompt a warning to the user when he/she writes an incorrect value in a "controller box". Another question is how do I create a start button for the whole script? I guess these problems are easy to solve but I very new with using labview. I have tried the help file but it didn't help.
  3. Yes, that was what I wanted to do thanks. I think I can fix it now. I just not use to this way of programming. I think I prefer to writing simple if statements, but I guess I will get use to it .
  4. The code is somthing like this if (mod(x,y)==0) statement else if (mod(x2,y2)==0) statement else statement end end If I would make a case structure, I would have to make the mod(x,y) outside the structure but I don't know how to do that. I guess I could use the block called formula.
  5. I have already five cases in a case structure and this if-else statement will just be in one of them. If it is possible to write "else if" i would be much easier than doing another case structure inside the first one. I very new at using labview, maybe there is an easier way.
  6. I want to write a simple if-else statement in the Formula node in Labview. I want to write if (condition) execute else if (condition) execute else execute end end but the "else if" generates error in statement. Is this way of writing not allowed? /grogg edit: Sorry I guess I should have wrote in the General Section
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