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Chris Davis

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Everything posted by Chris Davis

  1. Right click on the activeX control on the front panel and select videocapx as your activex control. Then go to each property node and invoke node and reselect them from the list of possibilities avaliable in the list of properties and methods. Don't change the property or method that is listed, just reselect it. This error comes up because we are using two different versions of the videocapx activex control.
  2. I should have been more specific too. When you use the browse button to the right of a path control, or when you use the File Dialog VI in the File I/O subpallette you don't get the options you are looking for. Those options are obviously avaliable, in the windows API, but you'll have to find those API calls with thier options and write your own code to call it. Sorry.
  3. No, you don't get that level of control in the standard LV file dialog.
  4. Right... Like I said you have to modify the Express VI by turning it into a regular VI. If you right click on the Express VI you get the option to "Open Front Panel" f ollowed by a dialog stating something like "you won't be able to modify this VI through the Express VI dialog anymore, are you sure you want to do this?" after you click yes, you get to modify the source code behind this subVI, at which point you can modify the code to do what you want.
  5. Try this, I've modified your VI to work. You realize you can't display video from the 1409 card using this activeX control right? Chris Download File:post-2547-1143740955.vi
  6. When I'm faced with problems like this I always take the Express VI called "Prompt User for Input" and set it up with the inputs I want. Then I convert it over to a regular VI and perform the default settings and other programming changes that I want to make. The Prompt User for Input Express VI is located in the Time and Dialog subpallette (at least it was in LV 7 and 7.1), I think the pallette name has changed, but you could also do a search for this VI in the pallette in LV 8.
  7. Here is a VI that will demonstrate the problem on someone else's computer, don't worry the large file gets deleted after it is created. :headbang: This is an official bug, CAR # 3VM9NQ3A. I've only tested it with U8's but I imagine it will produce the same error with other data types. I've added this to the LAVA LV8 buglist. Chris Download File:post-2547-1143659538.vi
  8. Forum Posting Reading a large array (>1,048,576 bytes) from a large (>2 Gb) file results in an error 6 from LabView 8.0.1. Filed with NI R&D, CAR 3VM9NQ3A. Workarounds: 1. Read data from file in chuncks of 1,048,576 bytes and append until array size is completely read, or 2. Use OpenG Large File reading/writing VIs.
  9. Here you go.
  10. I know that you can change the Windows XP start up banner using software called ScreenBooty. I don't know if this is the only piece of software that will do this but I have seen thier software work. As for not seeing the desktop, you could set the desktop to black, and in XP you can turn off all the icons on the desktop, but I still think this might not give you what you want. Take a look at WinXP Lite which is software to help setup Windows XP provide the kiosk type atmosphere you are looking for. I don't know if it can be done, but let the LAVA boards know. WinXP lite has a free trial edition so maybe you could try that to see if it gives you what you want. Chris
  11. There is no built in motion detection with NI-IMAQ, you would have to purchase and develop a motion detection algorithm using the IMAQ Vision Toolkit ($2500 developer package plus $295 per seat liscense). I don't know if this is cost effective for you and your application. I have used the ActiveX control VideoCapX from www.fathsoft.com ($79 developer package plus royalty free distribution) which has a built in motion detection algorithm. Of course you won't be able to use the 1409 as your video input device, you'll have to move to a simpler and less costly board like the WinTV-Go-Plus or any of a million other WDM video input devices. I've used this ActiveX control in LabView and had no problems. Let us know which software package you choose. Chris
  12. Have you downloaded and installed (or installed from disc )NI-IMAQ 3.5.1 when you install this package you have to select that you want LabView support. Once that is done you will have the example code <LabView Directory>\examples\IMAQ\IMAQ High Level.llb\HL Grab.vi. This VI will allow you to grab a live image with the 1409 and display it on the screen. It sounds like you are wanting to detect motion in the live video. Is this your intent? Chris
  13. BTW for those who choose to use the NI Application error you will probably get an error when you start it up about the 32x32 16 color and 16x16 16 color icons not being present. You can safely click ok and build your executable. Using the OpenG Builder you don't get that error. Chris
  14. If you are asking about how to do a live grab in LabView using a 1409, there are tutorials on how to do that in the NI-IMAQ software you have to install to make your PC recognize the 1409. Those tutorials give you the ability to display that picture on the front panel, via a picture control or some other method. Take a look at those examples and see if they provide what you need.
  15. Just for posterity. Here is the link to ResHack. ResHack I've found lots of good icon resources and ideas as well as purchasable icons from The IconFactory Chris
  16. Actually the file size is only part of the problem. As you can see from one of my earlier posts, you can read an array of 1024x1024 from any size file. When you request more array elements than that from a file that is bigger than 2 gb you get an error 6. I've checked this with a file that is 2.0 gb and one that is 2.1 gb in size. I've submitted this to NI and they admit that it may be a bug, and the R&D team is looking at it now. I'll report back thier workaround and "bug" number. I don't know how many other people this will effect, but I ran into it because I use LabView to play back video I've captured using machine vision cameras. One of the cameras I use all the time has an array size of 1024x1280, and I can record several Gb worth of data from it. Thanks for the thoughts, Chris
  17. Just following your motto <grin> "changing the world, one VI at a time" :worship: </grin>
  18. I've submitted a request to NI support to check this out to see if they can replicate the problem. I've tried it on three different machines here and they all exhibit the same problem. I've attached a VI that will create a 2.1 Gb file on your hard drive and then try to read the first 1024x1280 U8's out of it. If you can run this on your machine please post with your results. I think this may be a bug in 8.0.1. If anyone is still running 8.0 it would be great to see if they also have the same problem. Thanks, Chris Download File:post-2547-1143139932.vi
  19. I know this is a late reply to this topic, but I use a free tool called ResHack to modify the icon in the executable stub that ships with the LV app builder (I use this for 7.0 and 7.1.x, I haven't tried it in 8.0.1 yet) called lvapp.lib which is located in <LV Directory>\applib. You can then go two ways, you can use the built in app builder to build your application and you will have to change the lvapp.lib file everytime you want a new "pretty" icon, or you can use the OpenG builder and perform a pre and post build subVI that renames the original lvapp.lib copies your new one over, then after the app is built, deletes the new lvapp.lib and replaces it with the original. Chris
  20. I thought I would try another experiment today. I lowered my reading size from 1.3 megapixels to 1 megapixel and things work. Has anyone else had this problem or can anyone else reproduce the problem. I've included the VI so you won't have to make it yourself. Remember to try 1024x1024 and 1280 x 1024 as well. You'll have to create a large file yourself, LAVA won't let me post one that big! BTW my machine specs are 2 x AMD Opteron 242 4 x 512 MB RAM 1 x 80 GB HD 1 x 120 GB HD Windows XP SP2 LV 8.0.1 Download File:post-2547-1143035164.vi
  21. I know that LV7 had this problem and I've used the Large File package from OpenG in all of my projects that dealt with LV7 and 7.1.x. But I was hoping that they had given us the ability to read and write files larger than 2 Gb when they redesigned the file i/o primitives (they now use Int64s as their file pointer after all). Is the 2Gb limitation still there in LV8? Chris
  22. I've recently started a new project in LabView 8 and I'm trying to read large binary files. I'm having trouble reading a 4 Gb file. I know this was a problem with LV 7.1.1 and below, but I thought with LV 8 having Int64 file location this would work ok. Anyway I'm getting a error 6 Generic File i/o Error in my error cluster, and I don't understand why. Perhaps someone could try to reproduce this problem, to see if it is unique to my install? Thanks.
  23. You have brought up a good topic. I'm sad to say that I don't have any dedicated tools for this work. My most recent trip down this path, I ended up using the HTML page generation of code and creating a ~15 page software maintenance document on the code structure, as it was when I finished the project. This was coupled with the acceptance / installation test document, the users manual, work instructions for the end user. I typically place a free label on the block diagram, the front panel, and in the VI properties containing the same information on the project, author, and subroutine name, as well as a description of what the subroutine is supposed to do. In my last project I made sure that all indicators and controls had descriptions that matched thier purpose. That was a lot of work! Perhaps if there was a tool that would gather all of the control and indicator descriptions into one place to be edited and reloaded into thier respective subroutines (and saved back out). I'll be watching this topic with interest. Chris
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