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  1. HI Franz! With the second derivatives and other factors, i calculate the bending strength ( the 2nd derivative is the main factor in the formula). I need this bending strength to compare several synthetic material bars. So it*s very important to have the right formula-calculation for my comparison. In my program i will youse the method free, because i saw that it was the best solution for my program. Yes thats the problem, the modulation setup is not possible in my setup, so i will use method tree. With this method you help me very much!!!! :worship: In that case i will thank you for your help! Best regards, PETER Fischbacher
  2. HI FRANZ! Thank you for your explanation. I thin the problem is when i filter the original data, i would lose some geometric details and i think it*s better to filter the 2nd derivatives. There should not be so a big difference, between the method with filtering the original data and filtering the 2nd derivatives!?? Is that right?? Best regards, PETER
  3. HI FRANZ! Thank you for your programs! Could you explain me the method III please? For what did you use the variable "N"? Do you use this variable to control the border of the dates? Best regards, Peter
  4. Hallo Franz! Danke f
  5. Hallo Franz! Ich hab dir im Anhang den Datensatz gepostet sowie eine Grafik den gezeichneten Datensatz darstellt. Die erste Spalte stellt die Y-Werte und die 2te Spalte die X-Werte dar. Eine halbwegs genaue Darstellung der Messwerte w
  6. Hallo Franz! Danke f
  7. HI! Danke f
  8. Hallo ahlers01 Danke f
  9. HI! Does anybody know a program, which calculates the derivative from X,Y points?? Best regards, Peter
  10. hi! thanks for your help! i added the task with two channels and no error occured. TNKS best regards peter
  11. hi! always when i started my program, the error occurred. the error displayed the failurenumber (50103) and the name of the task! the failure always displayed the names lase or balluff! you said that two acquisitions are not stopped, but i have insert into each acquisition the Daqmx clear.vi !? do i have to insert the daqmx stop.vi ?? peter
  12. Hello! In my program there are two tasks, which should run at the same time. The problem is, if i start my program the failure 50103 occurs. It says, that the resource is reserved. I haved searched on the ni site for this failure, but the descriptions haven*t solved my problem. Could somebody help me?? TNKS peter Download File:post-2577-1121247590.vi
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