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LabVIEW Information

  • Version
    LabVIEW 2009
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bulebell's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. i just write a code to call a dll which is written by Labview. but when i finished ,it show the error:"labviewv.lib could not locate "ni_variable_UnregisterProviderCallback"", who can tell me what's wrong?
  2. it give a different result ,so i think it is so strange what do you meaning ? can you tell me more details?
  3. i use labview to build a dll to measure audio SNR,but when i use my program to call this dll ,its result is diffrent from the procedure result in labview,what is the matter with it? my computer program is written in C++bulider.
  4. thanks very much. for your information, i had wrriten a successful program.
  5. thanks very much for your answer. but i am so sorry to tell you .because my labview's version is 2009,so i can't open your vi.
  6. thanks very much! can you help me to offer me a sample? i am a freshman.
  7. when i use the NIDAQ.dll,in the labview .it can run and show it data ,but if i call this dll,the result is null ,what's wrong? NIDAQ_070528.zip test_dll.vi
  8. when i use event structure,I edit a event which need two events(Boolean value change and mouse down) to control。 what can i do with it?
  9. thanks very much,the photo you provide is just what i need。
  10. when i use those controls,i can‘t find ways to set control value,what can I do about it?can you give me a example?
  11. Would you mind telling me how it works ? I need a simple example。
  12. Could you give me an example? oh, thanks
  13. I cant find this vi,where can i find it?
  14. when i use vi scripting to open a new window named as B.vi ,meantime, i want to transfer a value to B. vi ,what can i do about it?
  15. when i want to save a vi,it show this error information (cannot help information of CSAN.vi),what's wrong?
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