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  1. I've never seen a use of Notifiers where you couldn't have done it with a Queue. That being said, I like to use Notifiers to send status messages to a tiny parallel loop that sits there un-spinning and patient - waiting for the Notifier to be updated. Then again, you can do that with a Queue too, but why? A "real" SEQ is bulky to set up and use compared to the Notifier.
  2. I thought DFGray and Ben gave good advice. The only clear "answer" I can think of is "don't do that".
  3. QUOTE (bmoyer @ Jun 5 2009, 07:52 AM) Agreed. I've never regretted upgrading until I went to 861. I can't beleive all the software it loaded that we don't own, for trial periods, that I could have sworn I said not to load. I think uninstalling some of those trial softwares causes issues. I also have a system that can't make sense of a Filedpoint card, lost the installed com port card, and wants me to install some generic driver for PCI. Nothing was wrong before upgrading, so.... As much as I like Linked Tunnels and smaller file sizes, it wasn't worth it. 851 was fine.
  4. QUOTE (James Beleau @ Jun 4 2009, 11:36 AM) Yep, after two weeks of support calls and a VI method of exporting as a work-around, that's NI's take on it too. I was told to uninstall MAX, but that can only be done by uninstalling everything that touches MAX, which is everything. MAX is a horrendously complex and ever-morphing, capable of changing its own code and causing ripples in the space time thingy.
  5. Well, for those that are interested, this is a known issue at NI. If you have a computer with a lot of, um, "history", such as having lots of LV installs (7.1>8.2 >8.5>8.6.1) and perhaps one occaision of a corrupt MAX database that you've fixed (or it fixed itself), MAX may forget how to export channels and scales. It may or may not happen. I personally don't like to use custom scales (do it programmatically) nor do i setup channels in MAX (do it programmatically), so it's not a huge deal to me, but due to maintaining three legacy machines running dozens of custom scales that have to be synchronized when someone adds or modifies a scale, this has been epic. :headbang: 'sall i got
  6. After upgrading to 8.6.1, I can no longer export my channels and scales to a *.nce file with MAX. It just does not give me the option. On the dark side, I found a thread about DAQmx 8.8 possibly having problems, but after upgrading to 8.9, the problem still persists. I was wondering if someone with 8.6.1 can try to export scales - to see if you have the problem. thanks.
  7. QUOTE (JFM @ Apr 7 2009, 09:39 AM) me too.
  8. QUOTE (d_nikolaos @ Apr 6 2009, 08:09 AM) 2.4ghz or 3.2ghz makes about as much difference for your issue as the brand of monitor. 1) Again, like crossrulz said, make sure you have VISA installed by looking in MAX. 2) Are you getting an error? If so, what's the error number/source? 3) If you have VISA and are returning no errors.. Check your cable, make sure one is not a null modem (cross pins 2 and 3). Make sure the computer is setup properly. Check Device Manager. Perhaps the COM port is setup wrong for your configuration. (SnagIt edge effects rule! :laugh: )
  9. Regarding the original topic, I am having an issue with the system numeric spinner on 8.5.1 where the min and max values I have entered will not be honored by the control. For example, in order to get a 4 to 20mA range, I had to enter 3 to 21 as min/max . Is this a known big on 8.5.1? Edit: Nevermind. Looked into it further. Not a bug. The increment resolution changes as it approaches the max. Not a bug maybe, but not intuative IMO.
  10. QUOTE (PSUstudent @ Mar 30 2009, 04:23 PM) You need an A/D converter between your computer's port and the voltage source. Do you have that? You said you want to monitor the voltage and trigger upon a certain value. If you have a "voltage", then you have a "stream", so I don't understand when you say "we don't have a stream". You don't have a stream because you haven't built a pipe (interface cable) and selected a pump (hardware) to get the water from the stream to your computer.
  11. QUOTE (levin.hua @ Mar 29 2009, 02:17 AM) You should have a working knowledge of the popular hardware interfaces: GPIB, Serial, USB, PXI, SCXI, etc. Be prepared to talk about more than one or two interfaces. When someone is being interviewed, and they wax poetic about a specific piece of equipment (such as Agilent), but don't bring up anything else, it's a red flag. Besides the listed hardware interfaces, you should be familiar with (at least) MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer), Setting up and using DAQmx Tasks, and File I/O (logging to file). If I were interviewing someone and they balked at any of those basic items, it would be another red flag. Also, know your audience. Unless the person is a LabVIEW programmer, they will not care that you know a Queue from a Notifier, but they might be delighted that you can click a solenoid.
  12. The amazing part wasn't that the "(not empty)" code didn't work, but that the case statement did work.
  13. QUOTE (bsvingen @ Mar 18 2009, 05:53 PM) It's just simply not an AE if you do that!
  14. QUOTE (neBulus @ Mar 18 2009, 09:33 AM) I read that post a while back and was wondering where it was - it was on my mind this week, thanks for finding it. "The caller has to protect the data on its wire from the subVI"... that kind of stuff blows my biscuit.
  15. I am wondering what the impact is of having constants, controls, and indicators inside or outside the loop of a fast Action Engine. It doesn't seem to matter in my testing (memory, speed).
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