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    LabVIEW 2010
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  1. I have tested the your demo using RGraph. But I can't see the correct interface by running the RGraphdemo.html. I can only see things as follows. title="
  2. Thank you for your help, smarlow. Another question: I have tested the files you uploading. I run the LabVIEW code in my computer in Jinan and put the webpaneltest.svg file into the shared folders using IIS. My friend in Shanghai connect the LabVIEW project using her computer. As a result, it works well. But I don't know why we need Kaazing Gateway Server software?
  3. Hello all, I am a beginner. I need a hand. Who can explain the image in here http://updates.html5rocks.com/2011/08/What-s-different-in-the-new-WebSocket-protocol ?(Sorry, I don't know how to paste an image in my post.)
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