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Everything posted by APi

  1. Thank you both for the replies, I didn't realize that you can change the font in this way. Still, it might be more convenient in some cases to have special characters as strings as it might get tedious to dynamically change the font of many indicators. According to this: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/77C8F61D36F5A23086256634005ACB38 the type cast vi is supposed to interpret a U8 integer as an ASCII character. If I understood correctly, wiring a 234 U8 integer to type cast should produce an ASCII character corresponding to that code (Ω). However, in my system I get ê which is 234 in many unicode scripts. I'll have to take a look at the unicode topics now. This is slightly irritating because I can produce all of the special characters I need, except for Ω!
  2. I'm trying to display some data with their corresponding units in a string indicator. The units may contain some special characters such as omega for ohm or mu for micro, mixed with regular latin characters so I cannot simply change the indicator font to symbol. I'm aware that it should be possible to get ASCII charaters as strings using the type cast vi but apparently the results are somewhat platform-dependent. When I try this, I get a ANSI character instead of an ASCII character! This would be fine but the ANSI character set does not contain some of the symbols (i.e. the omega) I need. Furthermore, if the characters displayed are somehow dependent on OS settings I cannot use this method because the results may vary on different systems. My questions are: Is there any way to change the character set that the type cast vi uses? Ideally this should be independent of OS settings. Does anyone know techniques for displaying special characters and regular characters in a string? I would appreciate your help!
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