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Everything posted by explainplz

  1. thanks for replay, i am trying my best to get an answer for this, i talk to NI engineer, didn't really go much far(still on going). mean time please if anybody have any idea what could be done, let me know?
  2. hello again, foget to say i have no access to the custom BSP for this hardware, so i cant build a new ce 5 with aygshell included. thanks.
  3. hi folks, i am trying to run a labview executable in Wince 5 custom device. i made a simple executable which runs in CE 5 Emulator but not in my device. i have the SDK to make application in evc++ 4. I read through lots of post about this and went through lots of tutorial. Because of i never work in Wince before, i dont understand how to solve this, might be easy for some body to answer who already done this. i saw few post in NI forum which indicate i need some dll to run my executable. none of them in my device at the moment. like aygshell.dll but i have aygshell.lib and aygshell.h in my SDK. Is that mean i can make a application which will install those necessary dll to my wince which will full fill the requirement to run labview executable? thanks in advance for replay. any help appreciated.
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