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    LabVIEW 2011
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  1. Nvm, I figured it out, the VI I was calling to run in a direction was looping continuously so the program would never check the toggle switch again
  2. Ok so instead of switching directions at full speed, it now de-energizes the motor completely before switching direction. I think I'm misunderstanding how the case statement works, according to the new VI, what should be happening in my mind is the toggle it set to a direction, the 1st frame calls a VI that deenergizes the motor, the 2nd frame then calls a VI which runs the motor in a given direction. Now, when the toggle is switched, the case should change and deenergize the motor, then call the VI to run it in the other direction, but I still have to stop the program, toggle the switch, then rerun it. Does the case statement indeed work this way and my error is somewhere else?
  3. I'm using the USB 6008 to control a stepper motor. I can control the motor to move Clock wise or counter clockwise, my problem is that i can't get the motor to change direction without stopping the motor, switching direction, and then running the program again. My code is quite simple, I use a case structure to call either a CW.VI or CCW.VI, which controls the actual movement of the motor in that direction. Suggestions?
  4. Ah thanks, had to cut & paste because for some reason it wouldn't let me place some of the DAQ components, I think I see what you mean though, I'll remove those links and see what I can do
  5. I am using a NI USB 6008 to control a 2 pole stepper motor. The driver I have is controlled via 4 digital outputs from the DAQ (ie: Step 1 AB, Step 2 BA*, Step 3 A*B*, etc). What I've done is out all 4 outputs for each step into a its own frame in a Timed loop (So in the 1st frame, aka step 1, 5V on A and B and 0V on A* and B* and so forth for all 4 steps), using the period of the Timed loop I can then control the speed at which the motor will turn & using the iterations, how far it will turn. My problem comes in that the Timed loop does nothing, when I run the VI nothing happens and when I check the number of iterations the loop has run though, the probe says 'not executed'. My knowledge of Labview comes mostly from my own messing around, so I'm sure its something simple I don't know, but I've looked through the examples in Labview and cant find anything that would change mine. My VI is attached below If anyone has any suggestions as to what could be causing this problem or a better way as to control the motor using the 4 digital outputs, just shout (Or if you need for info as to what/why/how I'm doing it). Thanks Motor Control.vi
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