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Anu Kalidas

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Everything posted by Anu Kalidas

  1. If you use property nodes either directly or through reference in a vi , the front panel will also be loaded while your application runs. This means it will require some extra memory...
  2. WoW!!!! :thumbup: That's cool.... Since I started using LV,I was wondering why sometimes it gets connected to the top terminal and sometimes to the bottom one... :laugh:
  3. I think I didn't read Michael Aivaliotis' "readme first" on VI scripting properly . Now I know from where to get those VIs. One has to install the ogmnu_Appcontrol_Plus package using the OpenG Commander to get these VIs. Thank you all for the help. :worship:
  4. Cool.... . I like that... Thanks a lot Wolfram... From where did u get that New VI and New VI Object VIs???
  5. Sometime when I open some VIs for the first time a dialog box saying "Cannot find the file'//opened.vi'(or one of its components). Make sure the path and file name are correct and that all required libraries are available." is displayed. But still the VI opens and runs without any problem... Don't know whats happening.. Don't remember seeing this thing in LV 6.1..Anyone know what exactly is the cause for this.
  6. Select SHIFT + right click to get the tools pallete on FP or block diagram.
  7. WoW :thumbup: ... Thanks a lot, Jeffrey...
  8. Normally when u drop a subVI, only its icon will be displayed in the callee VIs block diagram. Is it possible to embed the block diagram of the VI instead of the icon when dropped as subVI. Thot this will be useful in cases like event structures where most of the time there will be a while loop outside the event structure. This if possible will save the time to select one more structure from the pallette... Getting lazy Uh..
  9. Hi, Is it possible to update the formula in a formula node dynamically just like NI's Formula Express VI does. I was not able to find any property node for this. Is it possible through VI Scripting? TIA Kalidas.
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