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Ahmad Zainul Abidin

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LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2012
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Ahmad Zainul Abidin's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Just recently I bought the cRIO Profinet IO C - Series module, it came with a CD so first thing I did was install whatever necessary from the CD into my computer. Next thing I did was follow every single step provided from http://download.ni.com/support/softlib//embedded%20networks/NI-Industrial%20Communication/profinet/GettingStarted_cRIO_PN_IO-Device.pdf except for Step 3 where it ask me to import my GmBH file into the native software of my other controller (the example uses Siemen S7 HW config) which I want to communicate to because that other controller is still not available for me. Before the other controller becomes available, I need to make sure that this module is working as needed. However, at the fourth step I am stuck due the inability to compile the FPGA Example attached with the Comsoft installer CD that came along with the module. first I tried with the Ethernet RIO NI-9146, then I thought maybe the error was due to the absence of a controller. I switched to cRIO-9014 just to make sure, and the same error pops up. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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