Now, granted I am very new to LABView but my first impression is that it seems two different teams made this. One team did a really great job with the functionality and coding, inner workings, features.... The OTHER team however did the worst job of a user interface I have EVER seen in such a highend industry standard program that I am honestly in disbelief that its really as bad as it is, I keep thinking maybe I'm an idiot, or maybe my computer is messed up, perhaps my monitor is off, I don't know.
But there is NO excuse that every command the UI has is not listed in the program menu. NONE.
And the pop-out-but-cover-most-of-the-other-options-you-want-to-see feature picker is great too.
Sorry about that, had to let it out.
Thanks again for the help! I don't fel very dumb for not looking there, its completely a non intuitive place to put that option!