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  1. Hello, I'm new to LabVIEW and current meet a problem with my program. My topic title is not so accurate, sorry about it :headbang: I draw a simple block diagram here for easy understanding. the Read Data Program using ActiveX to read data from Excel .xls file Wait Time t1 may not equal to Wait Time t2, t1 and t2 may not be constant as well t1 comes from Excel file A and t2 comes froms Excel File B. My problem is: Because t1 and t2 are not equal, i cannot use a single While loop and if i use 2 While loops for 2 Read File Sub-programs, Y will not be send out till the end of While Loop. and for the Instrument Control Program 1, every time X(from File A) or Y(from excel B) changes, it need to be updated. Can I have any suggestion from you guys? Thanks a lot!!!! Best Regards Oahcchao
  2. hi, all, I'm new to Labview. I'm now facing some problems on instruments control. Now I'm doing a project need to control 2 instruments automatically. one of the instruments(Instrument 1) need to be ON for 65 mins and OFF/Reset for 35 mins. the other instrument(instrument 2) need to be reconfigured every minute based on its own output, for example, one of the cases is i need constant power, so every minute, i use DAQ to get its output voltage, and then reconfig its current settings. and the problems I'm facing are: 1. I can use a while loop to control instrument 2 for a short period of time, but after some time, there will be an error message" the data which is previous avilable now has been overwritten." and suggest me to increase the buffer size. but basically i dunt need any buffer, i just using dynamic data to reconfig the instrument every minute, where could cause this problem? 2. can anyone give me some suggestions on how to control instrument 1? i tried use square wave signal to control, but it not works. any help will be appreciated. Thanks a lot.
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