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Everything posted by moephunk

  1. Hey everyone, I've developed an application that my company will sell and I was wondering if there is a way to incorporate a unique serial number into each individual application, so that whenever a customer buys the software we have to provide them with a serial number in order for them to be able to install it. I use LabView 8.2. Thanks!
  2. Hey everybody thanks for the responses. I'm getting some screenshots of my code right now. I just wanted to say that I doubt it's the notifier because I use the probe and still see each new notification come in, and each of these notifications still gets parsed out perfectly normally. I'll get the code up in a few mins, thanks again!
  3. Hey everybody, I've developed a data acquisition application that acquires data through a rs-232 port. The way it works is as follows: I have one while loop that is only responsible for raw acquisition. It acquired raw data strings (such as: On, pressure, 23.3, 34, 3.4...) Each of these raw strings pass through a comma check to ensure they are in the correct format. If the string passes the check, it is passed out of this while loop through a notifier. I have a count that keeps track of every time a strings passes the check, and it adds one to the count each time this happens. Therefore, if a string doesn't pass, the count won't add one, or if the controller stops outputting data, the count will not increase. In another while loop, I have a VI that is responsible for parsing each data string. It essentially takes each raw data string and parses it into individual values which are inserted into individual arrays. The index at which each of these values is inserted is obtained from the count in the raw acquisition loop. Here something very strange happens. At random points when the program is running, the parse data VI will stop inserting each of these values into the array, but the count still continues increasing and each individual data element is still being parsed out. I use the probe and can still see each value being parsed out and the count being incremented. But at random points the values will simply not be added to the arrays. The arrays will reach some random size and after that not accept any other values! I have about 15 different arrays that are part of a cluster that goes into a shift register for my parse loop. It's very weird that the count still increments, the values are still being parsed out, but the arrays stop growing at random points (one time it will be at 170, antoher time at 400, another time at 520.....completely random) Any thoughts on why this would be happening?? Thanks!
  4. Hey everyone, I am building a software application with a bunch of different classes. One class is entitiled 'File Settings', it handles all of the path information. Another class is called 'Communications'. In the inheritance tree Communications has two classes below it (one of which is 'File Settings'). In a method of 'Communications' I am trying to unbundle the 'File Settings' data to use in writing a configuration file for communicatins. When I try to wire the 'File Settings' object to the unbundle by name function, it says "Neither bundle or unbundle of this Labview class is allowed on this VI". Any reasons as to why?? I thought any classes below the 'Communcations' class would be able to share their private data and methods!
  5. Hey everyone, I'm having some difficulty in understanding how to use GOOP for my application. I'm basically making an application that takes data in from an external source (from a rs232 port) and graphs it, analyzes it, and saves the data. I'm starting by having the user first log in by entering their user name. I am confused as to how this user name string gets saved into the private data of the createnewuser class I have created. What I have done so far is created multiple classes (using the project explorer). So I have a newuser class, a edit profile class, a communications class, etc. From the front panel, the user will enter all the information and this info needs to go into the private data clusters of these classes (so the username and batch ID will go into the create user class, the comm port and baud rate into the communications class, etc..) so that each of these classes' methods can act on this data and return the information to either the front panel for displaying or to other classes for further processing. For example, the incoming data stream is handled by the aquiredata class. From here, this raw data needs to be passed onto the parsedata class in order to be parsed and sorted. From there it goes to the savedata class where the data is saved in an excel spreadsheet. Additionally, the processed data needs to be graphed and seen by the user. I'm confused as to how I actually go about setting these values to the data in these classes and how this data gets passed along between classes and the user interface. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  6. :question: Hey all, I've got a question that I'm pretty confused about. So I have created multiple classes for my system. This system basically reads a serial port, parses the data, saves the data, creates a directory, and display's the data. So I have multiple classes for each of these functions (open serial port, parse data, save data, gui). I'm having lots of problems when I try to transfer information between these classes. For example, in the user interface, the user enteres their name and batch ID. These two values go into the data of the userinterface class. From here, the name and batch ID are used by the createpath class to make a directory if the user is new, or welcome back the user if they have previously used the system. The problem I'm having is that in my user interface I'm not sure how to call the createpath class and transfer these values to it so it can perform its function. Thanks a lot in advance!
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