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Everything posted by Swinders

  1. What most schools don't teach ... http://t.co/XXscHSOWLc (video)

  2. [NI News] NI Offers LabVIEW Embedded Control and Monitoring Certification http://t.co/xmzqGCzlCa

  3. 10 Object Oriented Design principles Java programmer should know http://t.co/47RNMqsZRx

  4. Twitter users: A guide to the law http://t.co/AYlZrEtqbw - Free speech doesn't mean you can say anything without thought

  5. Raspberry Pi Temperature and Humidity Project Construction | from @wolfeidau http://t.co/POdWcHcoyF - Great project, thanks for sharing

  6. I Can't Find a Single Productive Use For My Tablet http://t.co/NSfS2m4Ryf

  7. Open Garage Door ! http://t.co/KfGRzljhUE - Nice project using Raspberry Pi and Android phone with a bit of IO. Includes build details

  8. Help define canonical LabVIEW.gitignore template for GitHub - LAVA http://t.co/TGy5Az7LDS

  9. Raspberry Pi wearable computer. http://t.co/428b6ALalQ - Great project, just need to find some video glasses

  10. National Instruments Recognises UK Engineers, Chris Roebuck (@RoebuckChris) and Steve Watts ... http://t.co/PsVMryf4Av - Great work guys

  11. RT @element14: What is energy harvesting? Find out more on element14 #energyharvesting http://t.co/ohzRFfzrvF

  12. RT @rayshobby: Announcing OpenSprinkler Pi -- a sprinkler extension board for Raspi: http://t.co/cG5lJ2B11C - Great project, great design

  13. RT @Raspberry_Spy: Useful comparison of #Python libs for accessing Restful APIs: http://t.co/hKjEQg678e - Thanks,useful to know

  14. My week on twitter: 7 retweets received, 1 new followers, 15 mentions. Via: http://t.co/qIRwfcp4Nn

  15. RT @Rob_Bishop: Automatic face tracking webcam powered by a @Raspberry_Pi: http://t.co/JQp4Ix48I9 - Great project, gives me an idea...

  16. Domain Knowledge or a Lack Thereof "... is the root cause of a lot of very bad software" http://t.co/l98VVDgTsj (via @jmattheij) - Top post

  17. The Xinu Page http://t.co/KKb6WFsT8w -Interesting text covering "step-by-step ... design and implementation of a small, elegant system."

  18. RT @Pi_Borg: Control motors from your #raspberrypi http://t.co/d14URwe2yO #robotics #robots #opensource - Another great Raspberry Pi add-on

  19. Organizing Actors for a hardware interface http://t.co/chEbaMyktX

  20. I needed to use SFTP from LabVIEW but finding a vi for this protocol was difficult. Instead I used 'System Exec.vi' to run a '.bat' file that would transfer the required files. The '.bat' file had been created by LabVIEW. Maybe a similar approach could be used for normal ftp instead of buying the Internet Toolkit. Using 'System Exec.vi' you can take the output as a string to check the transfer completed successfully.
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