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Everything posted by nicoC

  1. Hi I am currently trying to control a Sourcemeter Keithley 2602 using a serial link and Labview 7.1, and I have some troubles. I wish to use a script, as it is the most flexible way to communicate with the 2602. Then, using Keithley TestScript Builder, this script works fine: smua.reset() smua.source.limiti = 10e-3 SweepVLinMeasureI(smua, 1, 20, 0.1, 20) smua.source.output = smua.OUTPUT_ON waitcomplete() smua.source.output = smua.OUTPUT_OFF printbuffer(1, 20, smua.nvbuffer1.readings) and I get my 20 readings back on the console Then, I wish to use LabView to control the 2602. Documentation shows (2602 User's Manual, p. 3-15) how to use LabView and script. But it does not work (see my2602_Script.vi). As far as I can tell with NI-Spy, Visa session opened, Command are written to VISA-Resource, but the script is never executed. Then again, I try to use the sub-Vi's that come with the Keithley 2602 driver (see my2602_Sweep.vi). This time, the sweep is executed, but my Labview code ends before the end of the sweep. I cannot find the sub-vi equivalent to the "waitcomplete()" instruction. Does anyone have experienced this kind of troubles ? Thanks in advance Nicolas Download File:post-3834-1145546559.vi Download File:post-3834-1145546571.vi
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