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    LabVIEW 2012
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  1. By the way, Phillip~ do you have any ideas how to convert a RGB 32 bit image to a 8 bit image???
  2. Phillip~ really thanks again to you~ really is the problem of the quiet region~ Now i am thinking the solution for it.... Can I increase the quiet region by adding white space on both side of the barcode? Since i need to 10 X the dimension of the narrowest element in the bar code~ And i am wondering, what's the main differences between the Zxing and Zbar, since both library can used to decode the barcode? Is it the method use to decode the barcodes is different for both of them? Because I found out that when i am using the barcode reader software (using the Zbar library), it can decode the barcode that i posted... and on the picture there, the Zbar barcode reader do label the starting and the ending position in the barcode... But Zbar barcode reader currently do not provide any library in .net assembly....
  3. yeah.... thanks a lots, Philip~~ i had tried on the VI by using the webcam to capture the images.... but i found out there's something weird.... There is a barcode that i keep cant decode... even i increased the contrast, increased the sharpness, reduced the saturation of the picture... i still cant decode it.... i have use the other licensed software to decode it too.... but seem like most of them take quite a long time to decode... .and most of times the value that those softwares give to me is the wrong value.... only 1 decoder software done it with less error occur.... the zbar barcode decoder..... the value of the barcode should be 18572E5 (code 39).... Do you know how to solve this problem? Should I add binarization, skeletonization and any others function? I thought by grayscaling the image is enough to decode it.... And here are the pictures that i am taken.....
  4. Philip.... I had built in the labview... since my image is already in the bitmap format... so what first come into my mind is that whether i can directly send the .bmp image to decode instead of passing through the bitmap .net constructor (actually i can't find it in my zxing.dll... i am using .net3.5 version...) But it will result in the broken wire.... when i try to connect like this way.... And can i do with this way? As my webcam can capture the image in the .bmp format, so i think if i can connect like this, it may be better.... And i do have another question, does the zxing library provide the barcode detection and localization function? http://s292.photobucket.com/user/heng1991/media/broken-wire.png.html?filters[user]=72164204&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1 (i cant use the image extension... please click in the link below to see the image of the problem... please) And this is one of the example of the barcode that i used to decode... I am looking through a few of the articles regarding how to localize the barcode.... but i still blur with some the concept for it..... http://s292.photobucket.com/user/heng1991/media/Image2013_07_19_091904848.png.html?filters[user]=72164204&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 Here are some of the articles: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2898214/ http://www.ski.org/Rehab/Coughlan_lab/BLaDE/BLaDE_TechReport.pdf http://www.ski.org/Rehab/Coughlan_lab/General/Publications/WACV09-barcode.pdf http://www.slideshare.net/VladimirKulyukin/an-eyesfree-visionbased-upc-and-msi-barcode-localization-and-decoding-algorithm-for-mobile-phones
  5. Phillip, if you don'd mind, can you send me your VI of that one using the zxing library?Do you think that adding the VIs that undergo the binarization and image filter to the image before decoding will be better?
  6. Hi, since in the forum we do have the QR code generator. I would like to ask does anyone know how to make a barcode decoder for both code 39 and QR code by using Labview? Decode the code by using the image captured by the webcam. Does anyone know where can I get any .dll library or zxing library that can be use to decode the both type of code? http://www.onbarcode.com/products/net_barcode_reader/barcodes/code39.html This link do provide the .dll library, but only free for 30 days. https://code.google.com/p/zxing/ This link do provide some of the libraries, but I do face some problems when trying to implement it by using LabView. And here are some other references: http://www.idealsoftware.com/opensource/scan-1d-2d-barcodes-webcam-zxing-opencv-visual-c.html http://www.summitsystemsinc.com/programming/qr-code-with-labview/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9013703/how-to-find-the-location-of-red-region-in-an-image-using-matlab/9014569#9014569 Yes, LabView do provide the both the 1D and 2D decoder in the Vision Development Module, but that one is a licensed software, that means we need to pay. I hope we can work together to solve for this problem.
  7. But do anyone know how to decode the Code 39 and QR code by using labview? Any .dll library or zxing library can be used?
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