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    LabVIEW 2012
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  1. Hi Tim thanks for reply. I hope to see a new release soon too. I haven't heard nothing about the beta program, but i suppose to be in late now to partecipate.
  2. Hello all, any news about a new release for LuaVIEW?
  3. QUOTE (Michael Aivaliotis @ Mar 19 2009, 11:34 PM) If you have an SSH access to the server and your hosting provider premit you to install application, maybe you can
  4. yes true i know very well this behaviour but from my point of view is a mess i mean if i say Create if not found = False is pretty clear that i want the reference of the queue having a certain name i was supposing that Obtain queue have an access to a sort of reference repository and search and return the ref. by name or create a new one if Create if not found = True. I really don't understand the value of this behaviour.
  5. I use project when work with FPGA i suppose that is impossible work whit FPGA without using project becouse of the dependecies of resource (memory, FIFO, pins) with the FPGA code and FPGA HW descriptor
  6. Hi all, i'm looking for a LabVIEW job in August '09 in US as freelance, only 1 month of availability. I am a expert LabVIEW architect\developer (8 years). Huge experience as application developer, team leader in a wide variety of business applications. Particularly interested in Automated Test, Imaging, Embedded and Automation. Specialties: LabVIEW, Automatic Test Systems, Hardware in the Loop, Control Systems, Software Engineering, Rapid Application Development & Prototyping, Embedded Systems, Networked Devices, Machine Vision, Data Acquisition, Digital\Analog Electronic. Personal Specialties: • Leadership, team working, commitment and success oriented • Multi-disciplinary technical know-how. Fast learning • High capability in problem analysis and solving • Highly motivated by changes and challenging circumstances. More professional details on me here http://www.linkedin.com/in/alessandroricco If interested contact me at alessandro [dot] ricco [at] gmail [dot] com
  7. the trick suggestd by NI works. I build an FPGA with 8 serial 4 spi and tens of DIO using 45% of 1Mgate FPGA, compilation time about 45 minutes
  8. QUOTE (crelf @ Feb 24 2009, 11:59 AM) Yes i know that we have to use carefully the FPGA but 8 serial is my goal so... i don't know if i go out of gate because i stop the compilation after 1 hour because seems that compiler was enter in an infinite loop on a range of actions. This night i'll try again after a minor modification on the code, NI suggest me to make a complete copy of the single 232 code including all the sub-VI called in order to avoid resource sharing between parallel executions, i have a share VI maybe this can resolve the issue.
  9. Hi i have a 7813R here and i need to use it a se 8 different RS232 (of course at TTL levels) I wrote the code to manage one serial and works so i decide to multiply this code for 8 obviously modifying the physical pin associated to each but at compilation time this "monster" don't compile, take an enormous amount of time only to inizialize all vi needed (1033 VI!!!! ) Have you any suggestions? never try to make somethings similar? Thanks
  10. Hi all, just for experiment i try to realize this video using LIDAR data and LabVIEW Find the video here [/url]More details here http://www.agilesystems.it/?p=58 Ciao
  11. Hi all, i wrote this little tool , a widget, that is a RSS reader for the ILVG.it RSS feed. It's 100% written in labview and i decide to release under BSD Open Source License. The tool is in alpha version and for sure has a huge margin of improvement, but works. The code is simple to understand and very simple to adapt to use RSS from different site, for example LAVA RSS... Should be great if some of you labview guru take care to implement the LAVA customization and also better if we decide to create a "labview community RSS reader" able to show all the RSS coming from all the labview related sites. You can download IRWI here http://www.agilesystems.it/wp-content/uplo.../irwi-alpha.zip Ciao,
  12. QUOTE (Gabi1 @ Oct 23 2008, 03:37 PM) Myabe this is what you are speaking about http://reactable.iua.upf.edu/
  13. Hi All, i realized this fast example that enable LabVIEW to view\controll Google maps Enjoy Ciao,
  14. QUOTE (Norm Kirchner @ Jul 10 2008, 10:15 AM) are you sure? why? can you suggest me a different way to distribute ordered data accross different loops? QUOTE I have a much stronger suggestion to use both queues and another notifier type of operation that is supposed to operate like you wish. And the net effect is that when the notifier or user event is fired in each of it's respective locations, it enqueues the appropriate state into the machine. ok this is a sulution but is static, every time i need a new queue end point a need to modify the queue start point QUOTE I would also suggest you look at LVx @ http://forums.lavag.org/LVx-Exported-LV-Fu...lity-t9437.html This demonstrates the process that I am describing as well as adding a great deal of functionality to any program. thank for the link, i'll have a look on this QUOTE In short, don't spend time making a fancy queue strategy when what you want is already in front of you w/ a minor tweak to your architecture. i spend my time as i want, also implementing a fancy queue strategy can be fun Ciao
  15. QUOTE (Eugen Graf @ Jul 9 2008, 03:37 AM) my intent is to hidden the multiple queue registration\duplication in Vis very similar to standard labview queue one's whit my implementation you can also dinamically add or remove listener on a queue also during sw execution of corse there are margin of improvement Ciao
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