Hi all,
i'm looking for a LabVIEW job in August '09 in US as freelance, only 1 month of availability.
I am a expert LabVIEW architect\developer (8 years).
Huge experience as application developer, team leader in a wide variety of business applications.
Particularly interested in Automated Test, Imaging, Embedded and Automation.
LabVIEW, Automatic Test Systems, Hardware in the Loop, Control Systems, Software Engineering, Rapid Application Development & Prototyping, Embedded Systems, Networked Devices, Machine Vision, Data Acquisition, Digital\Analog Electronic.
Personal Specialties:
• Leadership, team working, commitment and success oriented
• Multi-disciplinary technical know-how. Fast learning
• High capability in problem analysis and solving
• Highly motivated by changes and challenging circumstances.
More professional details on me here http://www.linkedin.com/in/alessandroricco
If interested contact me at alessandro [dot] ricco [at] gmail [dot] com