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Tomi Maila

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Everything posted by Tomi Maila

  1. QUOTE(Irene_he @ Jun 4 2007, 06:45 PM) It's very very hard to beleave that this still applies to DirectX 10 Tomi
  2. If you are using Windows you should also be able to use Microsoft DirectX library .NET interface that provides API for webcam connectivity. LabVIEW allows you to interface any .NET API using .NET nodes.
  3. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Jun 1 2007, 08:51 AM) Hmm.. So you are not using any intermediate language?
  4. I wrote a small scripting tool to add copyrights to VI front panels. EDIT: Not very fancy though. That's why I didn't submit it to code repository. Tomi
  5. QUOTE(tcplomp @ May 30 2007, 08:33 PM) Who cares about 126 million shipped Symbian smart phones
  6. Hi, I've been trying to add a copyright notice to the front panel of my VIs using scripting. Everything else seems to be easy but I just don't know how to create text on the front panel. More specifically I don't know what value to wire to style input of New VI Object. Style "Label" creates labels in a box but I don't like the box surrounding the label. Or is there another way? Tomi Answer to myself. The style I was looking for is "system label".
  7. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ May 30 2007, 01:21 AM) Actually you misunderstood my question. My intention was to ask why does NI not see other visual programming languages an opportunity to gain more interest towards LabVIEW and indirectly towards NI hardware. Often all players on the market benefit from increased interest towards specific technology. I beleave NI would benefit economically from increased interest towards visual programming even if it meant loosening the current intellectual property policy.
  8. I would ask them the following question. Why has National Instruments been so aggressive in blocking other vendors from providing visual programming languages? Wouldn't it help National Instruments to gain LabVIEW market share in its own niche market if visual programming would be more popular in general among engineers.
  9. Open VI reference opens a dynamic reference. If the VI is reentrant, then a new reentrant clone of the VI is opened and a reference to new instance is returned. Closing this reference also closes the VI or for reentrant VIs the VI clone. The other two methods are static references as Darren said. These references LabVIEW automatically closes when the VI is closed or clone VI is closed for reentrant VIs. Trying to close them explicitly has no effect. These references do not affect the lifetime of the VI.
  10. Ok. Then the behaviour has changed since LV 6. Perhaps you can upgrade to newer version of LabVIEW. Tomi
  11. In LabVIEW 8 at least if you just write "MyDLL.dll" and the dll is located either in (library) search path or in the same directory as the VI then LabVIEW locates it properly. I've no experience with LabVIEW 6 in this matter.
  12. If you want by ref objects, you should use queue based design. They are perform very well. What's the time scale you are going to need a by-reference classes? Tomi
  13. It's a bug in LabVIEW. I guess that your code should not compile as it uses recursive data structure but LabVIEW incorrectly compiles it which leads to errorneous references in binary code. Please report this bug to NI. Tomi
  14. Seems as if your project gets corrupted for some reason. Are you using LV 8.2.1? If not update your LabVIEW and retry. Tomi
  15. Hi all, Do you want to learn the secrets of XNodes? What would be a better way than playing around yourself? I challenge everybody to code multi-dimensional array operations that accept any kind of array of any rank and datatype as input. I was thinking of following two operations but you can also surprise me with some nice ideas. Array size Xnode that always returns array size as 1d I32 array. Each element of the output array is a dimensionality of each dimension. If the input is a scalar that is not an array, an empty 1d I32 array is returned. Multidimensional transpose array. The transpose array takes any array or scalar as first input. Second input is wanted dimension order of dimensions as I32 array. The transpose array returns a transposed array. It either makes it in-place or creates only one buffer copy and places elements to that buffer copy in-place. Too long dimension order inputs are allowed and trucated to the length of the array. The dimension order input may be shorter than the rank of an array in which case the rest of the dimensions will be assumed to be in order from lowest to highest. For example if the dimension order input is {0,2} for a 4 dimensional array the order of dimensions should be {0,2,1,3}. An error-in and error-out are required to return an error when the dimension order input is invalid i.e. contains dimensions that are non-existent for input array. As an award I'll help the winner(s) to transform the library a commercial quality OpenG libraries under BSD license (if the rest of OpenG community has no objections). If the quality of the XNodes is not high enough, then there will be no winenr. *Read, I'd do these by myself but I'm too busy so I try to leverage the power of LAVA*
  16. Joris, you can recurse the tree using loop recursion. It's a little handicapped method but works for many use cases. I can try to post you help later on, but currently I'm simply too busy with my deadlines.
  17. Do you think alfa would pass the Turing test?
  18. QUOTE(Irene_he @ May 21 2007, 08:49 PM) Don't thank me. All the honor belongs to Rolf! Tomi
  19. Rolf Kalbermatter has posted two interesting articles in the series External Code in LabVIEW at Expressionflow. To avoid missing the next articles in the series, please subscribe to the Expressionflow feed with your favorite feed reader.
  20. Please do not post your questions multiple times. For your question you should start learning elementary issues in signal processing. Take a look at Wikipedia article of sampling rate conversion.
  21. Herbert, I've a LabVIEW interface for HDF5 1.8 alpha. Would you like to share the benchmark code so I could run the benchmarks with the new version of HDF5? I think you must have used HDF5 1.4 or earlier. Tomi
  22. Herbert, this is valuable information to us. I need to test if this is still true for HDF5 1.8. We've been using HDF5 for small scale projects but were intending to use it to larger files as well. Perhaps I'll post performance comparison of HDF5 1.8, TDM and TDMS to my blog some day... I'd love to use TDMS but it doesn't suit our needs as it is today with only two hierarchy levels and lacking support multidimensional arrays (3-15d) and scalars. Are you intending to extend tdms format to support these features? Tomi
  23. QUOTE(Herbert @ May 15 2007, 09:50 PM) Herbert, could you please specify the performance issues and if possible refer to the source. Tomi
  24. Hi Paul, I took a look at your example. Your example doesn't represent any problems. The problems in your example can be fixed by simply changing the delayed method to non-dynamically dispatched and reentrant. Would you like to share with as the real programming problem so that it would be easier to help. Tomi
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