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Tomi Maila

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Everything posted by Tomi Maila

  1. QUOTE(i2dx @ Apr 24 2007, 11:01 AM) I'm jealous, as a research scientist our projects evolve and never really end. Perhaps I should consider moving to the dark side some day Tomi
  2. You forgot to mention what data type is your original image that you need to convert and what kind of 2d array and 1d array do you need to convert your image to. Please provide this information. It would help if you could specify the needed data types in LabVIEW code. Tomi
  3. QUOTE(mballa @ Apr 24 2007, 02:39 AM) The answer: http://www.newphys.se/fnysik/3_1/kelvin/index.html''>http://www.newphys.se/fnysik/3_1/kelvin/index.html' target="_blank">http://www.newphys.se/fnysik/3_1/kelvin/index.html Tomi
  4. QUOTE(i2dx @ Apr 23 2007, 11:03 PM) I wonder if the symmetry always breaks in a same way i.e. so that the same canister always gets the positive charge and the other the negative charge or is it truly random. The system construction can never be 100% symmetric, so this would indicate in my intuition that the symmetry break always happens to the same direction. Also the potential difference may not complitely unload during the spark so that the system indeed can be initially charged. This would make the phenomenon easier to initiate. I wonder if all components of the system are initially grounded and then the water flow is initiated and only then the grouding is removed, would we still see this phenomenon or will the grouding make the symmetry break too long to take. Has anybody played with these things?
  5. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Apr 23 2007, 09:09 PM) Would you propose asharma's helping hand for i2dx
  6. Hehe, cross posted to NI forums in LabVIEW and BreakPoint categories with nick name asharma85. Tomi
  7. QUOTE(i2dx @ Apr 22 2007, 08:52 PM) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/04/20/geek_service/' target="_blank">At least the Dutch try
  8. QUOTE(crelf @ Apr 22 2007, 08:00 PM) Let the show begin. No, rating system will inform us that the post is nonse but will not inform the posters how they should behave. As people will then not reply to these posts, I guess we'll see angry Nulllllllllls who repost their posts. What we need is a easy to use way to inform the Nulllllllllllls that they are now not understanding how to post to LAVA and that either they should learn and retry or post to the other forums. Tomi
  9. Right now I would have needed the button with new poster asharma... but it wasn't there yet
  10. This is a cross post. See the same post in another thread. Do not answer to this thread!
  11. Hi, I don't have time to take a look at your code right now and I don't have DAQmx installed on my laptop either so debugging is not possible. However I took a fast general look at your code and it's very hard to read. I recommend for starter that you help yourself and those you are asking help for by cleaning you code. Please do the following task and repost your code: Keep wires as straight as possible, your wires are quite a spaghetti Keep your program flow so that direction of flow is always from left to right and if absolutely necessary from top to bottom in addition Make all your parallel parts, especially the parallel loops, of your code so that they are aligned in a column one top of another Add comments to your code on what is the intention of your code so it becomes more readable for the others Then in addition, please report in what respect your program is not working as expected and compare the differences in the current functionality with the expected funtionality. It would also help if you take a screenshot of your block diagram after the above mentioned fixes, crop the image to the code only, save the cropped image as a gif image and finally attach it to your reply to this thread. p.s. Please do not cross post to multiple forums. Post all your responses to this particular thread and not the other thread. Tomi
  12. This is a cross post, see another post in LabVIEW General thread.
  13. QUOTE(crelf @ Apr 22 2007, 12:03 AM) Leaving the moderation task as a responsibility of only few was exactly what I wanted to avoid. The idea was to get the community effort to moderation as well with a simple button. If others are not comfortable with this concept, then I can live without. Perhaps the system could require that a few users presses the button until the post gets moved. Tomi
  14. Hi, I've an improvement suggestion to the forum. Let's add a new button besides "Quote" and "Reply". Pressing this button would post an automatic reply to the post that states that the post was not informative enough and guides how to post to LAVA the right way, locks the thread, moves it to new "sand box" forum and emails the poster about the change. The button would be available for premium members only to avoid misusage by Nulllllls and alike. Perhaps a "hand with thumb down" would be a good icon for this new button.
  15. QUOTE(Sally @ Apr 21 2007, 02:21 PM) Sally, please post your code. Tomi
  16. QUOTE(crelf @ Apr 20 2007, 11:21 PM) I couldn't agree more.
  17. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Apr 20 2007, 06:22 PM) LabVOOP is what I call an "Objectflow" programming language. LabVOOP Objects flow along the wires in a similar way as data flows in conventional LabVIEW dataflow programming. LabVOOP objects are not by-reference objects, so you cannot refer to one object in multiple places of the program simultaneously. However you can have multiple instances of one class, so the exact answer to your question is yes but I guess you didn't quite understand what you were asking QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Apr 20 2007, 06:22 PM) And is there anyway to check the exit of those class? Classes cannot exit. I guess you mean a destruction of a LabVOOP object? QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Apr 20 2007, 06:22 PM) When I use GOOP, I have the inspector, which give me the feature to check the status of each class. GOOP is a general word for any graphical object-oriented programming. LabVOOP is one GOOP language. You should always specify which GOOP you are using. However I guess you are using Sciware GOOP. LabVOOP objects only live in wires. They are complitely parallel and there is no central repository that even could be aware of all the objects "existing" in the system. So the answer is no. But you are misunderstanding the what LabVOOP objects really are. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Apr 20 2007, 06:22 PM) In my project now, when I try to create multiple instance of one class, it hangs at the create VI after the first loop runs. Should I set all of the VI in that class reentrant? I try to set it, actually, but it still stuck there. This is impossible to say without seeing any code.
  18. Hi, Inspired by Jim Krings blog post I couldn't live without OpenG Time Tools I decided to make a small contribution to OpenG community and release one of my VIs as a OpenG VI under BSD license. This VI would fit very well to OpenG Time library. As I've not yet contributed to OpenG I'd like to ask what is the process of releasing OpenG VIs in general and in this case? I know I could have just asked Jim directly but I thought asking this publicly would benefit the community as well. Tomi
  19. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Apr 19 2007, 07:32 PM) I couldn't live without the http://forums.lavag.org/The-5th-dimension-t4895.html' target="_blank">5th dimension
  20. QUOTE(TiT @ Apr 19 2007, 03:44 PM) I couldn't live without coffee. I couldn't live without my laptop. ...
  21. Aristos Queue, could you please confirm if the code in the above image should work when a an application reference is remote and the VI reference is of normal VIs that do not belong to LVClass static method VI (non dynamic-dispatch) dynamic dispatch VI and dynamic dispatching is actually needed to decide the actual method to call If any of those do not work, I'd appreciate a proposal for a workaround. If for example the 3. case do not work as the location of descendant classes cannot be known by the time of call, can we just place all possible class constant on the block diagram of the VI or something similar. Tomi
  22. As far as I know you can pass objects across application instances and what happens behind the scenes when you do is that LabVIEW flattenes the object to string and then unflattenes it on the other end. I've not veirified that this works. You should also be able to manually flatten an object to string and unflatten it froms string. I didn't really understand you point. Can you please be more specific. Some code would be nice and informative.
  23. QUOTE(Eugen Graf @ Apr 17 2007, 06:36 PM) I don't quite understand what is the problem. Events are based on queues (I guess). Each event registration refnum acts as a untyped queue. So queues should be faster and I'd use queues if I woudn't need the extra functionality provided by events. Events suit better to asyncrhonous messaging. First you can dynamically register and unregister events, not something you're able to do with queues. Second you can hundle multiple different message types with one event registration refnum and one event structure. With queues you cannot do this, at least not directly. The benefits of queues over event structures are ability to control queue content better. You can flush the queue and check the queue status etc. This functionality is not (by some obscure design decission) not available for events. Tomi
  24. As far as I understand the story goes as follows. You have event sources and event registration refnums. Event registration refnums are like mailboxes and event sources are like mass mailers. When an event occurs either a system event or user generated event, event source sends a message to each event registration refnum that has registered to that particular event source. Now if you have two event handlers using the same event registration regnum then they both check for a single message. The one who finds the message first handles it and the other appears to generate a timeout. So you can share user events but you cannot share event ragistrations. You don't share you mailbox with your neighbourgh either EDIT: You can pass the event registration refnum around. You can use it to register and unregister events around your program. But you should not use it to handle events in more than one place. If you want one wire with multiple events, you can cluster user events and register them as event bundles. Try it up.
  25. QUOTE(Eugen Graf @ Apr 17 2007, 05:55 PM) Because you should register the event for both event handlers independently... EDIT: Event registrations are like mail boxes. In your loop you put two loops checking the same mailbox. I guess the timeout occurs because of race condition. Event handler starts to handle event but notices that it's already handled. If you register the event for both loops the timeout doesn't occur. Your upper loop is generating user events for itself in reponse to the same user events. This will not be very wise Tomi
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