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Everything posted by Mihai PALADE

  1. Hi, Is it possible to programatically extract info regarding the the connectors of VIs? I mean: 1. Loading a VI by name using Open VI Reference 2. How can I found out the connectors structure of it? Thank you, Mihai PALADE
  2. Hi, Are somewhere listed the .Net equivalents for the LabView data types. Personally I am facing one problem with a cluster (LabView) which exported by ApplicationBuilder as a struct typedef struct { LStrHandle aaa; LStrHandle bbb; LStrHandle ccc; LStrHandle ddd; LStrHandle eee; } TD2; I am not sure how to define the TD2 struct into .Net. Thank you, Mihai PALADE
  3. Hello, I am investigating the choices for GOOP. As I have seen there are several options: 1. GOOP from NI and ENDEVO. No inheritence. 2. SciWare GOOP. Allows inheritence and polymorphism. Commercial app. 3. OpenGOOP. Allows inheritence and polymorphims. Open source app. Lack of documentation (!?). 4. Other customized libraries, as dqGOOP (!?) ... What is actually the option that is most used and suported by new versions and documentation? Thank you, Mihai PALADE
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