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Everything posted by Paul

  1. James, Interesting read, well work with what we have in the mean time. Thanks again for all of your help.
  2. Would saving without the block diagram prevent the user from accidently/intentionally rearanging the front panel icons, or is there a seperate lock command for those?
  3. James, In a nut shell what the program does is measure the power, voltage, and current from a fuel cell that is hooked up to that Agilent Loadbank. Then, there are two modes that can be run by simulating actual loads on the fuel cell. The data is then read and saved. So the basic premise is quite simple, and the fuel cell needs to be tested at 60hz, which is 50 readings every setting. Right now my supervisors aren't too worried about the time, but I would still like to find a way around it if possible. Thanks again Paul
  4. I was wondering how to save a VI without a block diagram, only allowing the user to access the GUI.
  5. No offence taken. I am not sure about most of the questions that you asked and the people at Agilent weren't that helpful. I did however find a link to the device that I am using, perhaps that could answer some of the questions. http://we.home.agilent.com/USeng/nav/-1135...6880312/pd.html
  6. The instrument that actually measures the data and sends it to the computer has a delay of about 45 ms. It sends it to a computer using a USB/GPIB converter. The USB is 1.1 and I was told that the information sent through a GPIB does not exceed theoretical transfer rate of a USB 1.1, implying that there is about a 1 second delay each time that function is calledin Labview. To me that sounds a little high, especially if data is to be preformed at 60 hz which required logging every .0166 seconds. Are there any other possibly methods to get data logged at about 50 times a second?
  7. I was wondeirng if there was a way to increase the rate at which data is saved to a file using the write labview measurement file function. I didn't see it as a property anywhere but right now the rate ranges from 1-3 seconds, and I would like for it to work as fast as possible. I tried using a time delay, but I actually need to speed up the rate not slow it down. Ideally I need to record data at 60 hz which is .01666 seconds, but I would settle for anything as close to that as I can get. Please advise.
  8. Mr. Aivialotis, This is the third time that you have saved my behind. Many thanks, beyond expression. I guess Greeks and Russians can relate to one another best. Thanks again for all of your help and no offense inteded but hopefully I wont be needing it again. I am almost done with this particular program, and hopefully I can finish it up without any additional help. Thank you so much. Paul
  9. I have a button wired to a case structure. The button is inside a while loop that runs until the button is pushed. When the button is pushed it sends a true command to the case structure that then executes a series of long and complicated commands. What I want to do is wire another button that would stop the case structure from continuing to execute as soon as the user clicks on the second button. I have tried several different ways to do this with no apprent luck. In a nutt shell I am looking for a user control that would stop a case structure in the middle of execution. As always, all ideas are welcome.
  10. Sorry for the confusion Bryan. I am new to labview and I feel that by using the higher end commands I will be less prone to making a mistake. Either way, I very much appreciate the help. I ended up doing what Michael suggested and simply merged the signals. I tried doing that before but I ended up getting flow errors. This time I created the merging symbol myself and it worked. I am however having some trouble with the headings. I am not sure how to give them propper names. and I was also wonder if there was a way to create a column with a time stamp not of the relative time but the absolute time.
  11. I was wondering if there was a way of accomplishing this while still using the write to file commands.
  12. I have an instrument set up to my computer that measures the current, voltage, and power of a system. I am using the Instrument I/O assistant to acquire three (3) seperate data signals that I am then attempting to save all to a single file. So far I have not been able to do this. Does anyone have any ideas about how to save three seperate signals allong with the timestamp that the vi usses all to a file? If you do please let me know. I do remember reading about the channels in the help file, and how multiple channels can be saved, i just haven't found exactly how to do that. All ideas are welcome.
  13. Thanks to all for your help. I got it working by creating a property node. Thanks for your patience and help. I appreciate it.
  14. I got this part working. Thanks for everyones help.
  15. My labview programming is not that extensive but I believe that the commands are global. In the last frame I wire a false signal back to the boolean values that joins together with the signal sent in the beginning to activate them. For some reason that does nothing at all. I merge the two signals and nothing. I do realize that the signal is traveling back to the orginal frame that is sending info out and at the same time sending info in. I guess what I am looking for is somehting equivalent to a text command that I can call in certain places. Like a Visual Basic equivalent of visible.value = true //in the frame that references it visible.value = false //later in the other cases. Is something like that possible in labview? I haven't been able to find it yet. Thank You Paul
  16. I did that and it works. However the fastest that data can be saved is every .3 seconds. Is that because that's the fastest that the data is received from the insturment or is that a coding error? Any ideas?
  17. I have a program that executes a case structure several times. The case structure contains several indicators that need to be reset at the end of each run. In other words, set back to the off value. I tried creating another frame that re-sent false values back to them, but that appeared to do nothing. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks Paul
  18. I was wondering if anyone knows how to specificy a user control for saving data to a file every x seconds. It currently does it every 1.7-2 seconds. I was wondering if there was a setting or a control that I am having some trouble finding. Thanks Paul
  19. I was just wondering if anyone knew what would be the easiest way to execute a frame of a flat sequence for a user specified amount of time. All ideas are welcome. I was playing around with the elapsed time control but couldn't get it working. Thanks for your help.
  20. I recently purchased a USB/GPIB converted model 82357A made by Agilent Technologies http://www.bellnw.com/npro/agilent/82357A.htm. I first ran into the initial problem of the computer "accepting" this converter. I say accepting and not recognizing, because it does allow me to see it, install all of the software and drivers for it but not to use it. I called the AE's at AT and they are stumped on what the problem can be. I then decided to call NI and they said that even if the converter would be working properly I would not be able to use in in labview because 1) no labview driver exists for it and 2) it wouldn't even appear in MAX because it's not made by NI. Has anyone encountered these problems before that can offer some advice?
  21. That sounded like a good idea to me too. I asked my superiors and unfortunately they can't locate the dsc library CD because it was purchased such a long time ago and no one knows where it is . The only thing that they were able to find was the labview 6i CD which does not have that library on it. One of the NI representatives said that if I had the dsc runtime program, I could complile the library into a .exe and transfer it to a different computer. However, I don't have that either. Anyone else have any other ideas?
  22. I am new to labview and I had a question to ask. I am modifying a labview program that was writte on 6i. At the same time the company that I work for decided to upgrade the machine that it was written on as well as the version of labview. Then switched to 7Express (the did it before 7.1 was out). I tried copying the all of the vi's that were associated with the old program to the new machine and loading them up. When I would boot up I would get a message saying that 3 of the sub vi's could not be located. They are dsc_EngineStatus.vi, VI_IsInitalized.vi, and dsc_Ivinit_starter.vi. I called up ni and apparently they stated that with 6i my company had purchased the _dsc library that was calling these vi's which 7 does not have. :headbang: They said that I would have to purchase the new library to get my older program to work. I went ahead and opened the directory in the old machine and tried saving those 3 vi's and trasnfering over, but the block diagram was protected and 7 would not read it. Does anyone have any other ideas or ways that I could get this program to run on 7 without purchasing any additional software packages. All ideas are welcome. Thanks.
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