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Everything posted by Spirit

  1. Thanks for your answer! This really work. Changed code: if (err = NumericArrayResize (fD, 1, (UHandle*) &mr, numr)) goto out; if (err = NumericArrayResize (fD, 1, (UHandle*) &mi, numr)) goto out; for (i=0; i<numr; i++){ (*mr)->elt=wr; (*mi)->elt=wi; } (*mr)->dimSize=numr; (*mi)->dimSize=numr;
  2. Please explain me, why LabVIEW Memory Manager don't like this code. LabVIEW crashes when I call dll to find roots of polynomial. (For my University I should make this programm without using LabVIEW function - Polinomial Roots) :headbang: #include "extcode.h" #include <math.h> #define maxiter 500 #define DBL_EPSILON 1e-9 int roots(double *a,int n,double *wr,double *wi) {...} void deflate(double *a,int n,double *b,double *quad,double *err) {...} void find_quad(double *a,int n,double *b,double *quad,double *err, int *iter) {...} void diff_poly(double *a,int n,double *b) {...} void recurse(double *a,int n,double *b,int m,double *quad, double *err,int *iter) {...} void get_quads(double *a,int n,double *quad,double *x, short *error) {...} typedef struct { long dimSize; double elt[1]; } TD1; typedef TD1 **TD1Hdl; extern "C"{ __declspec (dllexport) long Polynom(TD1Hdl coef, TD1Hdl mr, TD1Hdl mi, short *error); } __declspec (dllexport) long Polynom(TD1Hdl coef, TD1Hdl mr, TD1Hdl mi, short *error) { double a[21], x[21], quad[2], wr[21], wi[21]; int n, numr, i; n=(*coef)->dimSize-1; for(i=0; i<=n; i++){ a=(*coef)->elt; } if ((n < 1) || (n > 20)) { *error=1; goto out; } *error=0; // get coefficients of polynomial if (a[0] == 0) { *error=1; goto out; } *error=0; if (a[n] == 0) { *error=1; goto out; } *error=0; // initialize estimate for 1st root pair quad[0] = 2.71828e-1; quad[1] = 3.14159e-1; // get roots get_quads( a, n, quad, x, error); roots( x, n, wr, wi); numr = roots( x, n, wr, wi); (*mr)->dimSize=numr; (*mi)->dimSize=numr; for (i=0; i<=numr; i++){ (*mr)->elt=wr; (*mi)->elt=wi; } out: return 0; } Full code and VI:Download File:post-4254-1148137671.zip
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