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    LabVIEW 2011
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  1. My coworker built a DLL from LabVIEW that I am trying to call from C++. How do I create a VISA resource name in C++ and pass as uintptr_t* to the DLL? Is there a macro or helper function in "extcode.h" that can make life easy? Or should we rebuild the DLL's to use a more common string type? Example DLL Function: void __cdecl MeasureDCvolts(uintptr_t *VISAResourceName, int32_t ChannelNumber, LVBoolean *MonitorResult, double *MeasuredVoltage, TD1 *errorOut); Thanks in advance for any advice or direction, -Ed TestObjectMeasurement* testObjectMeasurement = m_measurementMap[name]; TestObjectInstrument* testObjectInstrument = m_instrumentMap[selectedInstrumentName]; int slot = 1; int bank = 1; int channel = 1; int channelNumber = 1000 * slot + channel; char * visaResourceName = testObjectInstrument->visaResourceName().toLatin1().data(); LVBoolean monitorResult = LVBooleanFalse; double measuredVoltage = -1.0; TD1 errorOut = {0}; try { // void __cdecl MeasureDCvolts(uintptr_t *VISAResourceName, // int32_t ChannelNumber, LVBoolean *MonitorResult, double *MeasuredVoltage, TD1 *errorOut); MeasureDCvolts(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(visaResourceName), channelNumber, &monitorResult, &measuredVoltage, &errorOut); } catch(...) { qDebug() << "Exception thrown by: MeasureDCvolts"; } QString errorSource = QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(LHStrBuf(errorOut.source)), LHStrLen(errorOut.source)); qDebug() << errorSource; LStrHandle errorTextHandle = {0}; bool foundErrorText = NIGetOneErrorCode(errorOut.code, &errorTextHandle); if(foundErrorText) { QString errorText = QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(LHStrBuf(errorTextHandle)), LHStrLen(errorTextHandle)); MessageHelper::messageError(errorText, errorSource); }
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