Hello everyone,
I have searched this forum and the NI forums for benchmarking, and have found only bits and pieces. Has anyone compiled a list of performance comparisons? For example, I made a little test loop to time the concurrent for loops doing the same numerical operation using the native mathematics VIs and the formula node (timing VIs courtesy of Mark Balla - http://forums.lavag.org/probe-with-timesta...html&p=2359 It turns out that the formula node is faster.
These are the kinds of things that would be nice to know when doing tight, efficient coding. I must admit, however, that the time difference in this case is almost neglible until over a certain number of loops. However, I am sure that there are more significant examples. Would anyone care to share some of his or her experience using different methods to make significant performance increases?
On the note of benchmarking, I have heard that simply using a loop is not a very good comparison of speed, and that it is actually quite difficult to make accurate benchmarks. In my own experience with timing VIs, I have found that sometimes inserting another VI into the loop can speed things up (exactly the inverse of what I would expect). What other ways can be used to determine if certain coding methods are more efficient?