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Everything posted by h1voltage

  1. Hello Everyone, Is there a flag indicating whether or not a VI is actually a VI (.vi) or in executable form (.exe)? I need this so that I can conditionally find the relative path. Using the "Current VI's Path", you get the exe's path with the actual VI name appended to it (i.e. - C:\Projects\My Application.exe\Application.vi) Any thoughts? ~Zack
  2. QUOTE(hooovahh @ Jun 27 2007, 08:38 AM) Thanks for the suggestion hooovahh. I have used Alchol 120% before, but I wasn't aware it also had a command line. I'll check it out. ~Zack
  3. SOLUTION: I am using IMDISK by Olof Lagerkvist. It works great with the command line and does not need to restart the computer to work. I just dropped it into my project and set the working directory to on the command line to the parent VI's directory. I used the command: imdisk.exe -a -f "C:\file.iso" -m #: . The #: uses the next available letter drive. Thanks for all the responses! ~Zack
  4. QUOTE(mballa @ Jun 23 2007, 06:23 PM) I think you are confusing the type of image I was talking about. I am talking about images as in direct file copies of a physical media (like CDs and DVDs) which are in .iso format.
  5. I have been searching all over the net for a good command line ISO mounting utility similar to Microsoft's unsupported utility "Virutal Mount" that I can call through LV. Does anyone know of a good method for mounting ISO image in LV, through the command line or otherwise?
  6. QUOTE(yen @ Jun 21 2007, 11:35 AM) Thanks for your reply. I'll check out the app note.
  7. No one has really answered the question that I wanted to know the answer to: has anyone compiled statistics on LV performance in various coding situations?
  8. QUOTE(yen @ Jun 19 2007, 05:08 PM) Does this mean run them completely seperately or as subVIs? If it is completely seperate, there is also no gaurentee that the processor / OS is in the same state (memory, CPU load) on one VI verses the other. QUOTE(yen @ Jun 19 2007, 05:08 PM) I could see how in certain conditions adding a subVI could improve speed, because the algorithm responsible for allocating memory might decide to reuse a buffer instead of duplicating data, but I would expect that would only be under fairly rare circumstances. I have gotten a similar explaination to this before. Can you explain how this works a bit further?
  9. Hello everyone, I have searched this forum and the NI forums for benchmarking, and have found only bits and pieces. Has anyone compiled a list of performance comparisons? For example, I made a little test loop to time the concurrent for loops doing the same numerical operation using the native mathematics VIs and the formula node (timing VIs courtesy of Mark Balla - http://forums.lavag.org/probe-with-timesta...html&p=2359 It turns out that the formula node is faster. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6161 These are the kinds of things that would be nice to know when doing tight, efficient coding. I must admit, however, that the time difference in this case is almost neglible until over a certain number of loops. However, I am sure that there are more significant examples. Would anyone care to share some of his or her experience using different methods to make significant performance increases? On the note of benchmarking, I have heard that simply using a loop is not a very good comparison of speed, and that it is actually quite difficult to make accurate benchmarks. In my own experience with timing VIs, I have found that sometimes inserting another VI into the loop can speed things up (exactly the inverse of what I would expect). What other ways can be used to determine if certain coding methods are more efficient? ~Zack http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6163
  10. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Jun 19 2007, 09:21 AM) Combined with some scripting, this could work for creating a button programmtically. Unfortunately, I do not have enough experience with scripting to make a usable too. Has anyone been able to use scripting with picture controls?
  11. Can you post an illustration?
  12. As the result of a good number of "Save as for Web" commands in Photoshop to make the three button modes of a system button (Up, Down, and Highlight), I have been looking for a method of importing vector-scalable graphics into LV. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6138 Is there a way to import formats like .svg? If not, has anyone comeup with a clever scaling method? Possibly some XControl trickery? ~Zack
  13. Wow, that is definitely a round-about way of doing it, but it might work. I see where you are going with the sub-panels, but unfortunately I have had no luck there either. Even if you use property nodes in the VI that is called by the subpanel, it doesn't use alpha-blending. Maybe this is possible with XControls?
  14. Hello everyone, I am curious if it is possible to make controls semi-transparent instead of completely transparent. I would like to be able to control this programmatically, but I have not been able to find a way to do this through property nodes yet. Have I overlooked something, or is there a way to do alpha-blending on controls? Thanks! ~Zack
  15. They still don't have Flash for 64-bit systems.
  16. Registration can be made by those outside the Virgin Islands but you can't get just the ".vi" domain extension. You must get ".co.vi" However, they are pretty price ($150). For resident or business owners physically operating in the Virgin Islands it is $50. See http://www.nic.vi/ under Rules.
  17. Hello all, I am looking for a method of detecting if a VI is in highlight execution mode. I haven't been able to find any property that controls (or at least displays) this setting. Is it possible to detect this at all? Thanks, ~Zack
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