I am a beginner in labview. asnd currently doing exercises about table.
I would like to know how to get the number of row to be display at the output after a data is matched from a table.
for example, the table is as below:
Column1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Name: Gender: Age: ID number: Hobbies:
Row 1 Sara Female 18 12-23-45 swimming
Row 2 John Male 20 23-45-78 reading
Row 3 Katy Female 55 10-25-99 Rock climbing
Row 4 Alex Male 7 99-27-32 cycling
from the table above, if I want to find a match for the name I key- in, the output should show me the row number that is match with the name I typed. I would like to know how to make this happen?
from the labview, i tried out "match first string" icon to match the name i typed with this table, but I cannot get the number of row of that name I typed. lets say, when i type in the name John, the output would be able to show the number = 2, which is the row number. besides that the info of John would be display also. I would like to know how to make this happen? I had tried, but still cannot get it correct
I had attached a vi file that I had done but imcomplete, because i cannot get the row number correctly.
i hope that there is some one would help me with it by providing or modifying the vi file that is had attech.
thanks a lot for the help.
Download File:post-5026-1148278496.vi