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  1. Hi Vince, thanks for your reply. Yes i am doing thermal testing. so we put a piece of something in the chamber and we want it to reach to specific temperature(first hot) with some spesific rate(speed) the temp is going up, untill it reaches the hold temperature assigned and then it will hold in that temperature for some time(for ex. 20 min.) and when it reaches the desired max hottest temp. the solenoid kicks in and the same process happens in cooling direction. there are some limits for max and min temperature in the code, but there are indicators and i won't be able to change it. so it only calculates the them and shows it in the front panel. i was gonna change the indicators to control, (which i know i will get bad wire) so i wanted to take advantage of Local variables, but i wasn't sure how?! do you have any ideas? is it more clear? nejla
  2. thanks, that was helpful
  3. hi, let me explain it clearly first: i am using the code for a chamber who reads the temperature and controls it then( heat it and cool it down many times for testing) for another chamber. the original chamber that the codes were written for is used for testings in lower temperatures and lower rates. but now that i want to use the same codes for this new chamber(Sun chamber) i have to make some changes to give it this ability to go higher on temperature and also go higher faster(rate). (for testing) do you guys have any suggestions how i can do this? :question: thanks nejla
  4. HI, Here is the situation: I have 4 Fieldpoints(FP1601, FP-TB10, and 2 FP-TC120) connected to a chamber and to my computer. I have Thermocouples going to my FP-TC 120 to read Temperature inside the chamber. I have configured the Fieldpoints with Fieldpoint explorer and everything looks right. I have the right IP address configured and the Fieldpoint explorer is reading the right temperature off the Thermocouples. But then i have my LabView, which the codes, read the temperature and also controls it (heat it, cool it and controlling the fans) and i have my iak file (Fieldpoint explorer file) saved in my LabView codes and when i run it, LabView reads totally off temperature! :!: i feel like the LabView is not communicating with Fieldpoints. is there a way to know if my LabView is communicating or not? how? Does LabView have IP address like the Fieldpoint explorer so i can check that? please somebody explain me if it makes sense? :worship:
  5. Hi, does anyone know when you run the open/create/replacefile Vi, what type of file needs to get opened? i know the vi, needs to open an existing file. error 7 occurs if the file ca nnot be found. i get error 7. i want to know what is the exicting file that needs to get opened? :question:
  6. Hi, Is there a way to figure out if your labview is communicating with the Fielp oints or not? it seems like Labview is not communicating. is there a way i c an make it communicate? can i configure the IP address, same way as in Field Point explorer?
  7. Hi, Is there a way to figure out if your labview is communicating with the Fielp oints or not? it seems like Labview is not communicating. is there a way i c an make it communicate? can i configure the IP address, same way as in Field Point explorer?
  8. Hi, Is there a way to figure out if your labview is communicating with the Fielp oints or not? it seems like Labview is not communicating . is there a way i c an make it communicate? can i configure the IP address, same way as in Field Point explorer? thanks in advance
  9. Hi, does anyone know when you run the open/create/replacefile Vi, what type of file needs to get opened? i know the vi, needs to open an existing file. error 7 occurs if the file ca nnot be found. i get error 7. i want to know what is the exicting file that needs to get opened? :question:
  10. Oh tell me about it :headbang: i am an intern hired in a company and NOBODY here knows labview. i don't know that much, all i know some simple stuff, trying to learn everything myself. actually i was thinking about taking the Ni intermediate class. how are their classes? are they helpful?worth the money?
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