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Everything posted by lmarwaha

  1. I am receiving encoder position values from a DAQ Assistant. After either of the positions DTP or NGTP are greater than a particular value I need to fire an event. The problem is the while loop to acquire the position from the encoders is running in parallel with the main while loop for all the events. This is to enable constant updation of the position values. Below attached, is a diagram of the DAQ Assitant while loop. I tried creating an indicator and used value signalling but it did not work. I also tried using a control (button), but with the parallel loops it doesnt fire the required event. I changed it so that I have the event loop for the button inside the encoder while loop, but that just froze the while loop. I could not see any change in the position information from the encoders even when the drive was moving (information received from the drive via Profibus : this is running in a parallel while loop). Any ideas as to how to solve this? Below I have also attached the code for the main panel. MAIN PANEL.vi
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