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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Thanks, that video was very helpful
  2. Can someone please help me understand "friends" Write Boolean.vi is inside Sub2.vi. Write Boolean.vi is community scope. Child.lvclass is freinds with Sub2.vi and Sub2.vi is friends with Child.lvclass. Why do I have a broken arrow? I also tried putting sub2.vi inside a library and making it friends with Child.lvclass but still have a broken arrow. Does Sub2.vi have to be part of a class?
  3. Thanks for the help, i'm starting to get it. I kind of jumped right into the deep end trying to understand design patterns when I needed to understand how classes, encapsulation, inheritance, etc are implemented first. I typically need to play with things for a while before I start reading too much, it just sinks in a lot better that way for me.
  4. ok thanks. I have another question about the snippet above. The UI Command Manager.lvclass appears to have a data type of an empty cluster. So I guess once I get over the fact that this is possible, does that mean that a child class (UI Initialize.lvclass) can have a data type of a cluster of anything?
  5. Thanks - that is very helpful but I cant find the "UI Initialize.lvclass" in the project explorer. Is it possible to have a different name on the block diagram? It is my first stab and right now it looks like LVOOP breaks all the rules!!!
  6. I'm really not sure how to know if it is or not? How do I figure that out?
  7. Ok, so I'm trying to teach myself LVOOP and I feel like a total Labview Noob. Can someone please explain to me how this is possible???
  8. Daryl


    Bar napkin flow charts
  9. An automated test stand for vehicle charging system. Capable of playing back data files (of various data file types) captured from various data loggers used around our company in various locations around the world.
  10. There once was a website named LAVA......
  11. thank you!
  12. Do they make the presentations available somewhere? Anyone have a link?
  13. The 3 ladies singing made up for the food/table issues
  14. Yikes, I actually just started Atlas Shrugged
  15. Where is the party tonight?
  16. Are we supposed to have an actual ticket? I paid via PayPal but I dont have a ticket - what do we use for proof?
  17. Crap - what am I getting myself into???
  18. how does everyone usually dress - like you are going to work or jeans/t shirt?
  19. Thanks guys, I went to the advanced tab and unchecked "Copy error code files" and it will work for now but I know eventually I will need to use that option.
  20. Anytime I try to build an executable, I get an error8. Here is a copy of the message: Visit the Request Support page at ni.com/ask to learn more about resolving this problem. Use the following information as a reference: Error 8 occurred at Copy in AB_Engine_Copy_Error_Files.vi->AB_Application.lvclass:Copy_Error_Files.vi->AB_Application.lvclass:Copy_Files.vi->AB_EXE.lvclass:Copy_Files.vi->AB_Build.lvclass:Build.vi->AB_Application.lvclass:Build.vi->AB_EXE.lvclass:Build.vi->AB_Build.lvclass:Build_from_Wizard.vi->AB_UI_Frmwk_Build.lvclass:Build.vi->AB_UI_FRAMEWORK.vi->AB_Item_OnDoProperties.vi->AB_Item_OnDoProperties.vi.ProxyCaller Possible reason(s): LabVIEW: File permission error. You do not have the correct permissions for the file. ========================= NI-488: DMA hardware error detected. C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\2010\errors\frchconvlib-errors.txt If I navigate to frchconvlib-errors.txt, I find that is is marked as read only. If I uncheck the read only box, the build is successful. If I try to run build again, I get the same error and have to uncheck read only again. It does not matter if I am building an app that included the Frame-channel conversion library or not, I always get the error. I'm running Labview 2010 on a WinXP laptop. Any ideads?
  21. A question in another thread got me thinking about books. What is in your library? What are the essentials? What would you recommend to anyone from beginner all the way up to the advanced Labview Architect? What's in your Amazon wish list? I'll start with a few I can think of off the top of my head Of course Labview For Everyone and The Labview Style books are a must for everyone when first starting out and intermediate level programmers I have read Headfirst Design Patterns The Object Oriented Thought Process is one that I just began reading
  22. I think this is a great question. I'm the only Labview programmer at my office so its very difficult to get constructive criticism on my code/habits, etc. Short of making everyone here sign confidentiality agreements, online forums can only help so much. I usually only go to the forums when I have a question, but once in a while I can spend more time reading through these threads. I tend to jump around and read through them very quickly when I do have the time so maybe I don't take away as much as if I could spend more time here. Maybe staying focused on just one topic each time I read here would be more helpful but reading here is kind of like taking a kid to a candy store One of the things I do is to try something new or different with each project. It is not always easy to just jump into unfamiliar waters when you know you have a short deadline so often I end up reverting to trusty old methods I have used forever. This is not helpful in becoming a better programmer but it does help keep myself employed. So I often end up doing smaller things differently but stick to the same old architectures. I really really really want to jump into OOP but have not yet had a project that will allow me the kind of time that I could make such a drastic change and still be in my comfort zone. So in the meantime I just keep reading about as much as I can and wait for the right project to come along. I guess my response is turning into more of a rant than a helpful response to your question
  23. I'm some kind of freak of nature, I like both the auto tool and the new probe window
  24. Daryl

    Tsunami Video

    My God those poor people, I can only imagine the terror they felt.
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