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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. I have a program that runs a number of tests automatically. It displays some information about all of the tests "queued" and highlights the row of the test currently executing in a multi-column listbox. There may be 50-60 of these tests listed in rows of the listbox but the listbox only displays maybe 10 or 12 rows at a time (which means the user has to use the scroll bars at some point to see the currently active test). Is there a way to make sure that the test currently being executed is always centered within the listbox so the user does not have to use to scoll bar to find the highlighted row?
  2. I just wanted to add that I think Labview For Everyone is a great book. It is easy to read, lots of good examples. I dont want anyone to get the wrong idea, I was just having a little fun while I was waiting for Labview 2009 to install. I would recommend this book to anyone!
  3. Waiting for my head to explode. Should be any minute now.

  4. I guess I should also mention that I have purchased two books: Head First Design Patterns The Object Oriented Thought Process I forget who recommended them but I have only just began reading Head First Design Patterns. I'm going to read these in my spare time as I am trying to learn LVOOP. (I'm pretty sure I want to learn LVOOP rather than GOOP since LVOOP is already included in Labview)
  5. So, would you mind if I said crop circles if anyone asks?
  6. Mikael, Thank you very much. I will spend some time today going through these links. Do you recommend the endevo version over the LV version of OOP? Good question. I have very little OOP experience outside of Labview. The little I do have was in a JAVA project that I sort of "winged".
  7. Ok, so I took the OOP class (within the last few months) and now I am more confused than before I took the class. There was a LV Architect in the class and it seems that his only reason for taking the class was so he could argue with the teacher. About everything. The entire class. This really made it difficult to really get any value from the course and i'd loved to have strangled the guy. But I didnt. Anyhow, I now have a little extra time to jump back into LVOOP. Can anyone suggest a good place to start?
  8. I think crop circles is in the lead
  9. What are the circle things supposed to be on the cover of this book? (there is an addition and a subtraction primitive coming out of one of them)
  10. Daryl


    You might be able to fix that by adjusting your DPI setting. I had the same issue on a DELL Inspirion and changed to DPI from 96 to 120 (or vice versa, I foget now)
  11. Daryl


    Have you considered this one?
  12. It seems that everyone I work has a SEP-field. Except me.
  13. By a gun. Get some training and a CCW. Or move to a safer place.
  14. +1
  15. 13.60947% - Geekish tendencies
  16. Women do not belong in Computer Science. JUST KIDDING, DONT KILL ME!!!!!
  17. alfa, have you ever written anything in Labview?
  18. Wow, you are kidding me! It would be interesting to make an "undo counter" just to see how many times i use it in an average day. Might be shocking
  19. This thread is getting weird
  20. :lol:
  21. Ok, I just spent over an hour troubleshooting a problem that made no sense at all. To make a long story short, I am using the quotient& remainder function and some simple logic to determine every 1 second of Igniton=on time from a data file. Anyhow, I have a type def with several doubles in it that I read from shift register, modify, and write back to shift register in a certain state of a state machine. I needed to add another double to the type def so, open type def, select a double, ctrl+drag, rename and you have a new double in your type def, right? So, I start running the program and checking things out and my new double has values that just dont make any sense at all. I can see what I am writing to it and where I am writing to it but the value I am writing is not what I am getting out when I read it in the next iteration of the loop. Turns out, I must not have had the ctrl key pressed all the way down when I dragged and renamed my new double in the type def so all I really did was rename the original double which was then getting written to again in another state of the state machine!!!! DOH!!!!! :frusty:
  22. I never really thought about it until just now. I guess if I am laying awake thinking about Labview, it is usually thinking about the best way to do something or trying to figure out a bug or something along those lines.
  23. Hey, thanks for the link. Looks like they already know about it, guess I should have looked here first.... http://forums.jkisoft.com/index.php?showtopic=1028
  24. That is so funny. I have a puppy who looks very similar to that, and 2 outside kittens that look just like that. I have never seen my puppy sit on the kittens, he usually just drags them around by their head instead BTW - that is good advice, your mum is wise
  25. Not on my machine it didnt. I had localhost,, and the actual IP address and none of them worked.
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