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Everything posted by noname

  1. Jupyter (formerly known as IPython) is a language-agnostic architecture for Interactive Computing with a nice interactive notebook frontend. It is a very powerful project and it is increasingly widely used. It is becoming the go-to tool for many Scientific Computing and Data Science workflows. It is glaringly missing a LabVIEW kernel, however. See here for a list of available kernels - https://github.com/ipython/ipython/wiki/IPython-kernels-for-other-languages. I know that I would use a LabVIEW kernel regularly in Jupyter (inline with some Python, Julia and Bash scripts) for hardware control and data acquisition. Unfortunately, I lack the skills to develop it. There is a guide here - https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/kernels.html. I don't know where to start. I can understand 0MQ to a certain extent but then I get confused about what would be passed to the LV kernel - text, graphics? Maybe VI snippets could come into their own here. It actually looks like a really neat challenge. TL;DR If someone helped to create a LabVIEW Kernel (iLabVIEW?) for Jupyter I (and many many people) would be eternally grateful. As an added bonus, if you are an academic, you could request that users cite your contribution on any research they subsequently output. Edit: Here is an example Jupyter Notebook interacting with the MATLAB kernel, iMATLAB.
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